How to choose stones for a bath?

How to choose stones for a bath?

Knowledge Base Hits: 378

To enjoy heat of a sweating room, it is necessary to know how to choose stones for a bath what characteristics to consider by their search and also what types of stones experts and why recommend to use.

How to choose stones for a bath most?

For a start let's understand on what characteristics the experts advise to pay attention first of all. So, the first what it is necessary to decide on, is the stone size. It is considered that if in a bath the wood furnace is used, then it is necessary to choose stones of the large and average sizes when the electric furnace is installed, it is necessary to stop the choice only on cobble-stones of the average size.

The second that should be considered, is a stone form. It has to be roundish, the cobble-stone cannot have so-called cuts and sharp chips, otherwise, use it can't be safe.

And, at last, the stone has to be quite dense, that is have uniform structure, and it is good to transfer both high temperatures, and its differences. Do not take stones which though crumble a little, it can lead to the tragedy.

How to choose stones for a bath in the nature?

Not to make a mistake, let's talk a little about what stones for a bath can be chosen without fear that they will be fragile or will not be able to sustain influence of high temperatures. Professionals recommend to pay attention to a jade which is considered eco-friendly natural material, talkokhlorit which still call a soap stone, a gabbro diabase, crimson quartzite and also a salt stone.

All listed breeds can be gained also in shop, but why to pay money if it is possible to find them independently? You remember the main thing that it is impossible to take the minerals which are near the railroad at all. They can be toxic, and it is hazardous to health. It is better to find the next reservoir or the field and to find necessary stones there.

How to choose stones for a bath on the small river?

If the person decided to gather stones in a reservoir, then he has to remember several rules. First, pebble should not have the ovoid form, similar minerals will be complex to be laid, so, when heating the considerable amount of heat will leave.

Secondly, do not collect stones with reddish streaks, it can be sign of existence on its surface of iron. When heating these minerals there is a probability that hazardous substances will be emitted. By the way, it is better to follow this rule as that who wants to choose for a bath river stones, and that who collects them on the land.

There are no other restrictions by search of minerals in a reservoir therefore it is safely possible to take strong dense stones which you will be able to find.

How to choose stones for a bath in the field?

Experts consider that to choose minerals for arrangement of a steam room on the land, after all it is more reasonable, than in a reservoir. As a rule, such stones are most tempered, in nature they constantly are exposed to both temperature differences, and moisture influence. It guarantees that mineral will sustain a corrosive environment of a steam room.

When choosing stones in the field surely take not only the large sizes minerals, but also averages. So it will be simpler to you to carry out their laying, below you arrange more dimensional minerals, and those that have less considerable sizes from above will be placed.

For the rest, by search of stones on the land it is possible to be guided by the rules which are already described above, that is to look at structure of mineral, to estimate existence in it reddish a streak and, of course, at an opportunity to try to choose that have more suitable form and the size.


Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
