What parts of speech can be a subject

What parts of speech can be a subject

The subject as the principal part of the sentence, designates a subject, the person, the phenomenon or an event and with a predicate forms the grammatical basis of the offer. "Who?" and "that?" - the questions asked to this sentence part. Ways of expression of a subject can be various.


1. The most widespread and easy way of expression of a subject in the offer – the use of the Nominative case nominal and a proper noun. For example, "Cowberry keeps up at the beginning of August", "Summer – a wonderful time for active holiday", "Dnieper at a calm weather is wonderful".

2. Pronouns nouns in the form of the Nominative case are also a subject in the offer. More often it is personal pronouns: "I write these lines in the village", "They will participate in ski competitions soon". But also pronouns of other categories can be used: "Who talks so loudly?" (interrogative), "Above someone quietly started singing" (uncertain), "Nobody answered the set lesson" (negative). In a complex sentence an additional part can join main by means of a relative pronoun subject: "I do not know who came the first to the finish". The pronouns relating to other categories can act as their use which is subject only in cases in value of a noun: "All around unexpectedly became silent" (attributive), "It any more will never repeat" (index).

3. Capable to gain value of a noun of a word of other independent parts of speech too in the offer are subject. Review several examples: "Attendees at a performance hotly thanked the director" (participle); "Adults often do not understand children" (adjective); "Eighty – multiple number" (cardinal number), "Two (collective numeral) overtook the going ahead children", "Behind them the third directed" (ordinal numeral); "Tomorrow it will be better, than yesterday" (adverb).

4. Sometimes in the offer it is possible to meet the subjects expressed by an interjection ("Suddenly was distributed hey in the distance"), forms of words with other speech functions ("Hello – an important word in our speech").

5. The infinitive which is quite often used as a subject keeps in itself value of a verb therefore at it there are no definitions ("To study never late"). In structure of similar designs of offers the subject usually precedes a predicate.

6. Indivisible phrases quite often perform function of a subject. The most widespread among similar combinations – the cardinal number or a noun indicating quantity as the main word and a noun in a genitive case as dependent. ("There were two friends an evening time", "Most of children on vacation goes in the camp"). In offers phrases subjects, the important unities, sets are frequent: "The grandmother with the granddaughter went for mushrooms", "The building-service supervisor with the daughter left" (Item). Can be combined and perform function of the subject pronoun, adjectives with a noun in plural a genitive case: "Several boys looked back", "The senior from children gave a signal of danger".

7. For the combinations subjects indicating approximate quantity with use of the words "more", it is "less" "about", etc. the lack of the Nominative case will be feature: "About one thousand kilometers divided close friends".

8. Nechlenimy combinations - place names, names of the organizations, events can be a subject. Here it is necessary to carry the steady combinations representing terminological concepts ("blackcurrant", "white nights"), popular expressions ("Achilles' heel", "Aesopian language").

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
