As cats have a presentiment of the death of the owner

As cats have a presentiment of the death of the owner

Animals Hits: 64

Any science as it contradicts common sense still cannot accurately clear surprising ekstrasensorny abilities of representatives of the world of fauna. However today it becomes clear here that: among four-footed "psychics" the leading positions are taken by cats.

Cats and magnetic field of EarthScientists already proved the fact that cats have a stable relation with the place of the dwelling. For example, if to take away the cat who is strongly tied to "house" to the unfamiliar place, then will not deliver her special work to cover the distance over 100 km to return back. There is a mass of the stories and documentary evidences telling about how fluffy weasels overcame hundreds of kilometers to return to "native Penates".

According to scientists, a cat is a link between people and that area which is beyond usual human perception. For this reason their superabilities still are one of modern riddles.

Scientists consider that, most likely, the reason of such behavior of cats is in change of magnetic field of Earth. This hypothesis was confirmed after special magnetic collars were put on these animals. The fact is that because of such devices of a cat instantly lost the navigation skills. It is curious that it did not affect their ekstrasensorny abilities! About it is further.

As cats have a presentiment of the death of the ownerIn principle, today almost nobody is surprised by the fact that cats can have a presentiment of approach of any danger. In particular, it is already proved that before an earthquake they show genuine activity and concern. The same and with volcanic activity: the people living on slopes of active volcanoes got used to rely on intuition of representatives of the cat family, than on forecasts of scientists-seismologists. Concerning how cats can predict the death of the owners, there are several versions. On one of them, people which has to die in the nearest future, exudes the corresponding "agonal" smell which is distinguished by cats. Some scientists suggest that in this smell there is a thin impurity of a smell of blood. Cats, as well as many other animals, feeling this smell, fall into the real violence, feeling a panic: they begin to worry, run on the house up and down, etc. Some people think that such behavior of their favourites is a sign of natural cataclysms, but after a while for any of several reasons depart in another world. According to other version explaining the presentiment mechanism with cats of death of the owners at these animals the intuition is rather strongly developed. In other words, it is about a certain cat's sixth sense. The people who are consciously using the same feeling are called psychics. The cat's intuition wonderfully adapts to the power field of the person. In most cases these animals involuntarily adapt to a karma of the owners.

It is considered that cats are wonderful Aesculapians. Scientists cannot explain this ability yet, but also do not disprove it. For treatment of various diseases of cats select on breeds, personal characteristics, temperament.

Here it is already not about magnetism about which it was told above, and about close power connection of cats and people. If at a biofield of the owner there is a coming death, then pets (both cats, and dogs) feel it. It is a pity that words they cannot report about it therefore they express the concern and concern in any ways available to them: considerably are nervous, whine (if dogs), run on the house, etc.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
