As dogs of a chihuahua look

As dogs of a chihuahua look

Animals Hits: 54

Ancestors of representatives of breed of a chihuahua appeared in Ancient Mexico. This dog is considered the smallest in the world. Now the true fashion for a chihuahua is noted.


1. The head of a chihuahua has the apple form that is one of distinctive features of this breed. Transition from a forehead to a muzzle is expressed distinctly, at the muzzle basis the forehead is rounded. The nose of a chihuahua short and hitched up, a color of a lobe of a nose can vary.

2. The short muzzle, at the basis extends. In a profile the muzzle looks a straight line. Cheeks are poorly expressed, a bite nozhnitseobrazny or direct.

3. Eyes round and big, moderately convex. Color is generally dark, but also light eyes meet.

4. A big, wide auricle at the basis and narrowed on the end. The auricle in the vertical plane is located. In the weakened condition of an animal "are listened slightly openmouthed".

5. The neck average on length, is slightly bent. Skin smooth and elastic, densely adjoins to muscle tissue.

6. The corps of a chihuahua include ill-defined withers, a short and strong back and a brawny waist. The croup wide and strong, is not squinted. A thorax wide and deep, the edges which are rounded off.

7. The belt of representatives of breed has to be well tightened, its sagging is considered abnormal. The long tail which is narrowed from the basis to a tip. It is raised and bent by a semicircle for giving to the case of balance.

8. Front extremities direct and long, shoulders slabomuskulisty. Paws at a chihuahua of the small size, fingers are not spread wide. There are long bent claws and elastic small pillows.

9. Elbows are densely pressed to the case. Back extremities possess the developed muscles, are located in parallel each other. Skakatelny joints short, the Achilles' tendon which is distinctly expressed.

10. The sleek-haired option of a wool cover is characterized by a short, skintight hair. In areas of a stomach and throat wool more rare. On a neck and a tail wool is longer in comparison with other case, and on the head and ears is shorter.

11. The long-haired option allows a direct or wavy hair, moderately dense underfur. Long wool forms on ears, the back surface of extremities and a breast of ornament like plumelets.

12. As for a color of a chihuahua, various options are admissible. The main requirement for exhibition individuals the compliance of a color to color of eyes and a nose is considered. For example, the pink lobe of a nose at a light color is admissible.

13. The weight of an animal fluctuates from 1 to 2 kg. Normal it should not exceed 3 kg.

14. Height of a chihuahua in withers depends on a concrete kind of breed, in general it can reach 38 cm.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
