Features of contents Egyptian Mao

Features of contents Egyptian Mao

Animals Hits: 66

Experts and just fans of cats I describe Egyptian Mao as devoted, playful, inquisitive hunters. At correct leave and education this pet will not bring upon owners a lot of trouble.

Care for wool and claws

Representatives of breed possess short wool therefore to comb out a cat enough once a week. It will prevent emergence of wool on all house. If desired the procedure can be repeated though every day, it is pleasant to cats. It is important to pick up the correct brush which will not injure the pet's skin. The silicone brush which has also massage properties can become an optimal variant.

Once a week the Egyptian Mao needs to cut claws. In the wild nature the representatives of breed often climb trees. In house conditions they are deprived of such luxury therefore their claws grow pretty fast. It is important to cut off a claw on 2-3 mm from edge, it will not damage a sensitive part and will give to a cat relief. It is worth paying attention to suppression of attempts of a cat to sharpen the updated claws about furniture. The pet quickly will understand that it cannot be done and will cease to spoil surrounding objects.

Ear care and care of health of a cat

Not the most favourite by cats the procedure – washing of ears. But it should be done at least once in a month. Egyptian Mao are quite patient to actions of the owner when holding hygienic procedures, but even they will begin to escape during cleaning of ears. It is possible to take a cat for a nape, it will help to record the head in the necessary situation. After that it is necessary to open an ear and to clean carefully the Q-tips moistened in children's cream. It is necessary to check ears of a cat for existence of pincers regularly. Changes in behavior of usually cheerful and gentle pet – a signal of development of a disease. At defeat of an organism of a cat pincers the animal becomes apathetic, loses appetite and interest in games. The best option in that case – a visit to the veterinarian. You should not try to solve a problem independently.

Organization of the correct leisure

Egyptian Mao treats features of behavior love for water and water procedures. They like to play with a water jet, to wet in it paws and to drink directly from under the crane. It is possible to refer love for height to other feature of cats. The Egyptian Mao can sit for hours on the height and "to track down production". Representatives of breed are rather active and like to spend time in active games with owners. Most of all they like different types of hunting. You should not hide their favourite toys. Mao will not leave alone anybody, will not receive the desirable thing back yet. Egyptian Mao – loyal friends and respectable neighbors. At due consideration and leaving they will bring a lot of joy in life of the owners.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
