How to cut claws at a cat

How to cut claws at a cat

One of the compulsory procedures necessary for care for a cat - a hairstyle of claws. It, first of all, is necessary for comfort of the most animal as the long grown claws will disturb. In the nature the wild cats grind off claws, house cannot make it. Besides, the cat with cut claws has less opportunity to wound the owner - the cut claws leave not such deep and painful scratches. There are several rules which should be observed if you want to cut to a cat claws independently.


1. Ask somebody to take a cat that at her only one of four paws was free. Be ready that the animal will begin to resist and express indignation. If your cat is aggressive, it is better to swaddle her in a towel. Use for the procedure the special tool – a kogterezka. It can be got in veterinary pharmacy.

2. Slightly press on a cat's pad, having taken it between big and index fingers. From small pillows of a pad claws have to seem at the same time. Arrange to a kogterezk so that its cutting edge was located across a claw, but not obliquely, otherwise the claw can crack.

3. At each cat in a claw there passes the cavity in which the blood vessel is located. Cut off the tip of a claw, its pointed part, kind of zatuply it is differently you risk to touch a vessel and to cause bleeding. For bigger confidence you can look at a claw on a gleam. If at a cat black opaque claws, try to illuminate them from below a small lamp and be especially careful at a hairstyle.

4. In case of bleeding you keep in readiness styptic means and a rag of fabric. If the bleeding is not stopped, apply a dense bandage and address the veterinarian.

5. Keen edges of claws after a hairstyle can be ground slightly a nail file. But if the cat hardly postpones a procedure of a hairstyle, this stage can be lowered. It is possible to break the procedure of a hairstyle into two sessions also: in the beginning to cut claws on forepaws, and in several days – on back. Especially as claws on hinder legs grow more slowly.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
