Rabbits perceive the wires which are in limits of their reach as small stalks of a grass or a branch which it is possible and need to be gnawed as front cutters at these animals grow all life and demand constant grinding. How to disaccustom a rabbit to this dangerous to him and for owners of an invention?
1. Take a vatochka, moisten it in weak solution of acetic acid and spread wires. In most cases the smell of vinegar is perceived by rabbits as a tag of others territory though this way can not work with a doe-rabbit. Not bad also odorous soap solution works. Besides, wires can be greased with mustard or to strew levometitsiny, previously having ground couple tabletochek. The unexpected unpleasant taste of favourite wires can frighten off a rabbit.
2. Buy special Antigryzin spray in a vetapteka. Spray it along wires. It is quite probable that the rabbit will lose to them interest. This medicine is absolutely harmless to animals and does not leave visible marks and damages on the surfaces processed by it.
3. Bring to a rabbit enough apple-tree, lime, pear, aspen branches and put the part of them in a cage and which remained - near walls along which wires are laid. It is possible that the rabbit will become interested in these in "natural materials" and will cease to pay attention to their poor excuses in the form of wires. It is impossible to give to a rabbit of a branch of plum, cherry or trees of coniferous breeds at all.
4. Arrange to a rabbit some kind of "building site" with abundance of materials which are not forbidden to be gnawed. Take a big box (for example, from under the washing machine or the old TV), place several cardboard packs from grain, cookies, pasta (previously having torn off from them the top layer), old towels there. Put a rabbit in a box.
5. Remove wires under a plinth, hide in special a box or lay them at the height not less than 50 cm from a floor. However, in this case the animal can smoothly switch to eating of wall-paper, but also they can be replaced with some plastic covering or a tile, skintight to a wall, too.
6. Buy or make a spacious cage or a lodge for a rabbit. Put both branches, and scraps of wires, and pieces of cardboard, and, of course, carrot there.