It is possible to call guinea pigs ideal pets as they do not demand a lot of place, they do not need to be walked, they spoil nothing and do not cause a loss to the family budget. Upon purchase of the pet there is a question: to take the boy or the girl? There is no basic difference if you are going to get one animal; but choosing two guinea pigs, it is necessary to be able to define a sex not to receive the whole nursery.
1. Males seapigscan be distinguished from females of when they reach age more than three weeks. Examine genitals of a small animal. For this purpose turn him a stomach up, put on a palm, strong holding a back. Pads of a mumps have to be directed up. Look at the place where genitals are located – at guinea pigs it has the Y-shaped form. If between it and an anus the distance small, then is a male, at females the genitals and an anus are enough far apart. Examine several pigs that to you was with what to compare.
2. If externally it was not succeeded to define distinctions, take a rodent for front pads and turn on a back. Clasp with the right hand a waist of an animal, pressing a thumb area over genitals. You do not press strongly, increase pressing gradually a little. If under a finger the camber is felt, so it is the boy – his penis did not lean out outside yet, but has to be felt. It can be seen if to look narrowly: it looks as a point at crack top in the form of letter Y which leg is directed to a tail. Females have no cambers – it is visible only a crack of the same form.
3. If you had doubts concerning a sex of a guinea pig, then delay a skin on genitals to a paunch, keeping a small animal the same as in the previous point. If it is a male, then you will see his genital. At a female a part of a mucous membrane will be noticeable.
4. It is possible to define a sex and on appearance of an animal, but it is easier to make it when pigs grew up already enough and reached at least teenage age. A number of nipples means nothing, all representatives of guinea pigs have them. Males there are more females, have stronger frame and high withers.