How to expiate a cat

How to expiate a cat

In spite of the fact that the majority of cats constantly nalizyvat the hair, it is just necessary to wash them with shampoo from time to time. If you picked up a kitten or an adult animal on the street, then it especially needs to be washed, kind of the animal did not resist. To exhibition cats not to get used to this procedure at all, but they most often treat the similar behavior extremely shocking from the point of view of other house representatives of the cat family more quietly.

It is required to you

  • cats shampoo,


1. The most habitual for people and a way of bathing, difficult for a cat, – in water and with shampoo. Prepare a basin with water (it is possible also two), shampoo and a towel to wipe a cat after bathing. It is better not to wash an animal under a shower or a stream from under the crane as the flowing water especially strongly will frighten it. Take a cat and quickly ship him in a basin. He will begin to escape therefore you hold strong.

2. Water temperature has to be in from 38 to 40 degrees. Not to check it the thermometer, lower an elbow in water. If water is not felt how cold or hot, means with it everything is all right. It is not necessary to wash an animal in hot water, it will cause in it additional shock.

3. Put a cat on one side, holding him by paws both hands (one hand lobbies, another back). So the cat will become wet completely. If the animal with character, constantly escapes and tries to scratch you or to bite, then it is desirable to wash it together. One person holds a cat, the second applies shampoo and washes away it.

4. After the cat became wet, pull out him from a basin and put on paws, holding for the case. If is to whom to take a cat, then pour shampoo on a hand, make foam a little, then you apply on wet hair of an animal. If the cat is held and washed by one person, then it is necessary to pour shampoo directly on a hair as there is no free hand.

5. The massing movements pound shampoo on a back and sides of a cat, pay attention to a zone on a back at the root of a tail – there often are salinities which animals sometimes do not watch.

6. Now wash away shampoo from a cat. Again ship it in a basin and accurately rinse. Check that there is no shampoo left on a hair. To rinse a cat once again just and the second basin can be useful.

7. After all shampoo is washed away, immediately wrap an animal in a towel. Take several minutes, blot wool with fabric, and then release a cat. Further he will make toilet. Not less than two hours you will not hear it and will not see – in a secluded corner the cat will diligently wash.

8. There is also other way. Especially for cats who are afraid of water shampoos-sprays are produced. It is necessary to sprinkle an animal such spray, to wait several minutes that spray was absorbed, and then to release a cat. A lack of sprays – cats are afraid of everything that puffs and hisses.

9. Dry shampoos – the most expensive look of cat's means of hygiene, but at the same time, the most quietly perceived by animals. It is issued in the form of powder which the cat needs to rub in a hair, and then to comb it to get rid of residues of powder and excess down.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
