Butterflies are quite exotic domestic insects who gradually become more and more popular. Today it is very fashionable to have a greenhouse with tropical plants and various butterflies. But very few people understand how it is necessary to look after these beings and what they need to be fed with.
It is required to you
- honey;
- water;
- sugar;
- the begun to rot fruit;
- apricot nectar.
1. Feeding of a butterfly is begun for the second day after her last metamorphosis, one day they do not eat. Moths eat once a day, day – time at 2-3 o'clock. If the butterfly is inactive, it is possible to feed her less often, for example, time in 1.5 days. Favourite food of a butterfly – specially prepared "nectar" from honey. Take a stopper from mineral water. Pour two teaspoons water into it (not hot and not cold, only room temperature), add half a teaspoon of honey and mix. Use only natural honey without preservatives. Instead of honey it is possible to use sugar or solution of apricot nectar.
2. When at a butterfly wings are put, take her for a breast and put about a stopper. Take it as it is possible closer to the basis of wings. If the butterfly is hungry, she will begin to drink "nectar" at once. The full butterfly turns off the proboscis and begins to escape. Flavoring receptors at butterflies are on the ends of front pads therefore she can only touch by a pad of honey syrup to understand that it is food. If the butterfly did not eat long ago, but does not develop a proboscis, try to develop it a toothpick or a match and to dip into nectar.
3. Some butterflies eat a little begun to rot fruit, especially love mango or bananas. It is possible to take also a melon, watermelon, orange, apple or other juicy fruit. Peel fruit as often fruit spray with the toxic chemicals dangerous to insects, or reactants for long storage. Take the begun to rot pulp (in fruit core), mix it with "nectar" and offer a butterfly this mix.
4. During feeding you do not hold a butterfly. Feeding lasts from two to fifteen minutes. You can understand that the butterfly eats on the movement of a proboscis. The insect is larger, the more she has a proboscis and the its movements are more noticeable. When the butterfly stops eating, she will fly away. If it is correct to feed a butterfly, she will live up to three weeks.