You long dreamed of a pet. That he was little, clean, did not demand a lot of leaving. At last you chose a charming hamster, brought home and caged. Now it would be quite good to feed the new inhabitant.
1. Ready a dry kormesla to come to any pet-shop and to ask to show a forage for rodents, you will be taken away to several shelves which are densely filled packs and budlets, packages and bags. It would seem, take any - and there will be to a hamster happiness. Happiness will be, but only in case to approach the choice intelligently. The forage should not contain many large pieces, in it there should not be many stalks of a grass. If the forage consists of several components (grain, dried fruits, nuts, special granules), make sure that pieces equal, approximately identical form are an indicator of quality. Try to give preference to sterns of foreign producers. Domestic stern hamsters are loved too, but here the allergy to them happens rather often.
2. Fresh kormnesmotrya that producers of forages assure that in their structure there is all necessary for your favourite (and even a little bit more), do not forget about fresh food. It will be pleasant to hamster to crackle a cucumber or an apple. Be not fond of grapes - for a hamster this sweet berry all the same that candy for the person. Do not forget to give to a hamster not fried nuts: he with pleasure will hide them in zashchechny bags, and after a while will eat.
3. LakomstvaLakomstvo for hamsters great variety: here both dropsa, and grain small baskets, and grain sticks which small animals with pleasure gnaw. When choosing be guided by the producer (better if it is foreign), by taste of your hamster (can, he does not love sweet pepper) and by own purse.