How to get rid of fleas

How to get rid of fleas

Animals Hits: 58

You will seldom meet the person absolutely indifferent to pets. Most of us very much love the fluffy pets, and the species of charming tiny puppies or kittens will touch everyone. However find in this most fluffy wool to themselves a shelter and livelihood of a being whose presence can please unless the scientist-entomologist.

Yes, the speech about the ordinary flea delivering a great deal of trouble to both the four-footed pet, and its owner. Everyone who finds in the dog or a cat of these small, but extremely unpleasant parasites is visited at once by only one desire: to bring fleas as soon as possible, and, it is desirable — forever. Fleas not just cause inconveniences because of the itch caused by their stings. Fleas are also carriers of more than 25 diseases, including such dangerous as hepatitis, sypny typhus and tick-borne encephalitis.

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to prevent appearance of fleas. The animal can pick up a parasite at communication with relatives or having visited the place infected with them (and such place is, in fact, any territory outside the apartment). Besides, to the apartment of a flea can make the way from neighbors or from basements, for example, during repair. The animal will begin to react to the naggers, legs of owners are exposed to the attack of bloodsuckers — means, in the house of a flea. On a body of an animal it is the simplest to notice them on a stomach where light skin is not so densely covered with wool.Whether there is an effective way allowing to get rid of fleas? Several quite reliable means are developed for protection of animals. Collars. The simplest in application, rather safe means which, however, cannot brag of high efficiency. Besides the composition of chemicals thanks to which the collar also has antiflea properties is not always safe for pets. In particular, the amitraza is contraindicated to cats and can cause allergic reaction in a dog. Shampoos also do not differ in high efficiency, especially it concerns domestic medicines. Besides consider that the animal, licking wool, will inevitably receive a medicine dose, and as a result — weakness, nausea, vomiting and even temperature increase. Therefore after use of shampoo it is better to wash out wool carefully. Drops — very effective remedy allowing to destroy quickly fleas on a body of an animal. Applied to skin of a pet in a spot, remote for it (as a rule it is withers), drops are quickly absorbed in blood then it turns from delicacy for fleas into deadly poison. Let's especially note that also larvae of fleas which were removed in a stove bench of an animal or others locations, comfortable for them, will die. 2-3 hours later after application of drops the animal needs to be washed, and effect of substance will remain within a month. Spray is not less effective, than drops, besides will help to get rid of fleas not only on the skin of a pet, but also at some distance from it. The effectiveness of spray remains up to 3 months. Thorough cleaning with the vacuum cleaner (the special attention — to any soft objects which are not higher than 1 meter from a floor, exactly here is possible a congestion of eggs and larvae) will help to get rid of the larvae and eggs which already fell from an animal then — processing by insecticidal medicines. Remember that fleas are brought from eggs 1-2 weeks later therefore even after the most thorough cleaning of a flea for a short time can appear again. Do not worry, medicine will protect your pet, and uninvited guests will quickly disappear again.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
