How to get rid of koltun at a cat

How to get rid of koltun at a cat

Fluffy cats possess a special charm. But also care for them is necessary special that on their skin there were no koltuna – formations from the dropped-out and mixed up hair. Besides, the cat can swallow own wool during washing that can lead to problems with health. Have patience, be ready that this fine wool should pay attention everyone put. But if koltuna at a cat after all appeared, it is necessary to take at once measures for disposal of them.


1. Prepare "slicker brush" - a special brush for comb-out of long wool. Despite the terrible name, the brush removes only that wool which already separated from a body of a cat. Though, of course, if on a body there are a lot of sites with the mixed-up wool, there is a risk to hurt a cat. The steel hairbrush with stupid cloves can be also required by you. When choosing a hairbrush or slicker brush be guided by the recommendations of your veterinarian. You remember - the more often you comb out the favourite, the less discomfort to her will be brought by this procedure.

2. Lay a cat so that it was convenient to both you, and her. In the beginning comb wool on a neck. Move a hairbrush in the direction of growth of wool accurately and gently. Talk to a cat, calming her. Having combed a neck, you pass to front pads and armpits.

3. The most problem zones at fluffy cats - a tummy and the part of hinder legs called "panties". Pay special attention to these places. Exactly there koltuna, especially are most often formed if the cat cannot reach these places, licking herself. Having found koltuna, accurately untangle them hands and a hairbrush as far as you will be able. It is better to cut off especially hopeless sites scissors.

4. Put an animal on legs and comb wool on a back and a tail. Having ended the procedure, stroke a cat, praise it, give it delicacy. Gradually your alumna will quietly allow you to comb herself, perhaps, even, purring from pleasure.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
