Eyes beads, pads with a marigold, an amusing mobile nose and a beautiful hair... This is a chinchilla - one of the most amusing and lovely animals. What it is necessary to know about a chinchilla if you decided to contain houses of this small animal?
As there live chinchillas in the nature and in house conditions
The chinchilla - it a rodent is from South America, in prirodeon lives in the South American Andes where climate cool, damp, severe. In the afternoon of a chinchilla sleep, hiding in holes or crevices of rocks, and show activity in search of livelihood at night. As the main food for these rodents serve stalks of herbs, branches of undersized bushes and their dried fruits (berries and seeds). vlagidlya chinchillas dew is a source.
Chinchillas have short forepaws which they take and hold food, and hinder strong legs which help them to move easily on the rocky area. These features need to be considered, thinking over the place for keeping of a chinchilla in house conditions. This animals need a big spacious high cage which sizes will allow a small animal to move, jump actively. It is necessary to provide in a cage shelves or steps and also similarity of a lodge or a mink.
Surely equip a cage special poilkoydlya rodents. This adaptation has on the end a long tubule which is blocked by a ball that provides to a chinchilla easy access to water. On a bottom of a cage fill a small handful of the pressed sawdust - special wood filler. It needs to be changed as required that will allow to avoid emergence of unpleasant smells in the apartment and discomfort both for a rodent, and for you and your members of household. Fill filler in the same corner of a cage: chinchillas very clean animals and a toilet at them only in one place of a cage.
Also buy special sand for bathing of chinchillas. Time in 5 - 7 days fill a small handful of sand which looks as very small dust of gray color, on a cage bottom, but not there where filler for a toilet or sterns.
Food of chinchillas
Provide your favourite with the various food consisting of seeds and the peeled nuts, sometimes, as delicacy, give dried fruits. The rodents who are contained in house conditions are not recommended to give damp food, such as pieces of vegetables or fruit as it can lead to serious violations of work of a GIT of a small animal. Enough dry nuts, seeds, fruit and berries, and the chinchilla will find water in necessary quantity in a drinking bowl. It is necessary to change water daily as the chinchilla can not drink stale water at all, and the lack of moisture will have an adverse effect on the state of health of the pet. Time in 2 - 3 days offer a rodent the dry hay acquired in pet-shop. Hay needs to be put in a special grid from a wire that not sozdavt insanitary conditions for an animal.
Features of behavior of chinchillas
Making the decision about pokupkeshinshilla consider several osobennosteyety animals:
- not all animals equally easily make contact;
- chinchilla - the night small animal is capable to create a lot of noise also at night, running and jumping in the cage;
- as a rule, the chinchilla is ready to games with the owner late evening, then she easily allows to get it together, she can be released to run about on the apartment, to explore the territory.
At the same time postarates to ensure the maximum safety to the things and the equipment as the chinchilla is, first of all, a rodent and can gnaw everything, especially likes to gnaw wires.
Character of chinchillas
Chinchillas are sociable and inquisitive, easily get on with other pets, participate in games with cats who are more active in evening and night time of day too.
Having a severe stress rodents have feature to dump wool. That the animal recovered, it is necessary just to leave it alone, to allow to take refuge in a mink and to sit out some time.
In general maintenance and care for a chinchilla does not present any difficulties for the owner. The chinchilla will be suitable for busy persons who owing to the employment are not able to afford more contact animal, for example, a dog or a cat. The chinchilla provided with enough a forage and water does not miss also any discomfort if the owner is forced to be absent rather long time.