Such pets as decorative rats, became favourite animals for many people long ago. Experts claim that rats have special intelligence. Reproduction of these animals — interesting occupation.
1. These decorative rodents treat mammals, that is the posterity the rat feeds with own milk. Decorative rats live not for long: 2–3 years. For reproduction it is better to take a mature animal, 6-8-month age. In this period the organism is completely ready to incubation of posterity. The male needs to be selected the same breed or a similar color. The age of a male has to be more senior than a female.
2. Techka at rats passes each 4–9 days, during this period the female has to admit a male to herself willingly. The period of pregnancy lasts 22–26 days. It is impossible to allow interrelated pairing of rats as at the same time the posterity is born with genetic deviations. Such infant rats can have oncological diseases, violations of development of internals or infertility. There are nurseries where manufacturers strictly watch over health of the pets. They keep all documentation on reproduction. Such infant rats have the family tree to the 4th knee.
3. Care for a pregnant rat is simple. It is better to replace a male during pregnancy in a separate cage. If the female worries, he can be carried away to other room at all. From a cage it is necessary to remove all objects with keen edges.
4. It is necessary to reconsider a diet for your rat, for growth and development of a fruit is required a large amount of vitamins and mineral substances. If you feed animals with ready mixes, it is enough to buy vitamins for rodents. If the diet is made by natural products, it is possible to add cottage cheese, boiled eggs, greens, a germinated grass to a rat bowl. Clear drinking water has to be in a cage constantly.
5. Rats treat norny animals therefore they need a nest for kids. One week prior to childbirth it is possible to put a lodge where will give birth to an animal in a cage. As construction material for a nest long strips of soft fabric or sheets of white paper will serve.
6. It is not necessary to disturb an animal during the prenatal and postnatal period. If in the house there are small children, it is necessary to explain to them that with a rat it is impossible to play and take her on hands. It is possible to remove a cage with an animal to the place, inaccessible to children. Daily remove the food remains from a cage, they can provoke poisoning of a pregnant female.
7. After the birth of infant rats it is not necessary to take them or to try to look at them. At any tension, the rat mom can just eat the posterity or refuse it. In this case little infant rats can die. Wait for the moment until kids begin to leave a lodge.