How to look after the Syrian hamster

How to look after the Syrian hamster

The Syrian hamsters – some of the quietest and beautiful representatives of rodents. They possess a various coloring, the most known of which is gold. Care for these animals is rather simple.


In the wild nature the hamsters can have the extensive territory of accommodation therefore choosing for them a cage, be guided only by rather large of them. There is a set of various forms of cages. Perhaps, the most expensive of them is the special cage for hamsters having artificial holes. Such cages can be a little. Connecting them, you can create quite extensive network of holes.

If you are not ready to be spent for special cages, it is possible to be limited to a traditional product. Usual cages have the advantages, they are rather easily cleaned and are convenient in transportation. However keep in mind that the sizes of a cage have to be rather big. Try to choose high model, perhaps, to several floors. The Syrian hamster – very active animal, he about pleasure will clamber up walls. Do not limit its movement to a simple running wheel.


In the wild nature the hamster constantly is in search of food, it forces it to move actively. The simplest that you can make for it – to establish a wheel in which he will run. Pay attention that the Syrian hamster can be quite large (up to 25 cm) therefore choose a wheel of the corresponding sizes. If you do not use a special cage with artificial holes, you can make them independently of make-shifts. Similar norms can be made, for example, of a piece of cardboard.


In the wild nature the Syrian hamsters most often eat grain and seeds. You can use for this purpose a special forage which is on sale in pet-shops. For feeding of a hamster it is possible to use also fresh products, for example, a cauliflower, carrots or corn. Hamsters also eat apples, bananas, cucumbers, leaves of dandelions, melons and other products with pleasure. There is also a number of products, to feed a hamster which is not necessary. Treat such products: crude potatoes, seeds of apples and grapes, stone of any fruit, confectionery, watermelon, oranges, tangerines, etc.

Diseases and treatment

The Syrian hamsters rather strong animals, they seldom are ill. However there is a number of symptoms to which it is necessary to pay attention. For example, the wet tail says that at a hamster diarrhea. In the most severe forms it is observed at rodents by age up to 2.5 months. If you found a similar symptom in the pet, immediately address the veterinarian, he will prescribe medicine, necessary for treatment. It is especially important to ask for the help experts if the hamster is still young (several months). At this age the probability of a lethal outcome is high. If you keep a cage with a hamster under the sun, for example, on a windowsill, build in it the shelter, otherwise the hamster can receive heatstroke. It can be cured independently, having wrapped up a hamster in the towel moistened in cool water. If it does not help, address the veterinarian. Be careful if you notice that the hamster lies motionless. Quite often it is a consequence of the fact that he falls into deep hibernation. It occurs if temperature falls lower than 5 degrees. To wake a hamster, pick up him and take within 10 minutes. Further try to keep temperature to the room at the level of 10 – 25 degrees.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
