Owners of four-footed pets think of the question "how to look for a dog" only when the favourite is lost. It is necessary to look for a dog, using all possible and available methods, and there is actually a lot of them.
It is required to you
- Internet
- Regional media
- Announcements of loss
- Photos of the pet
1. It is rather effectively possible to look for a dog online. The photo of the gone pet should be placed in all thematic forums of the city. Owners of some specialized websites also give an opportunity to place in the form of a banner of a photo of the gone dog. Do not neglect also text announcements of loss – the detailed description of the favourite in addition to the photo will be not superfluous. It is necessary to look through announcements of the found animals also: not all people use the Internet or read the section "the dog" was gone in newspapers.
2. By means of media with free announcements it is possible to try to look for the dog too. As a rule, announcements of sale of pets are posted in similar editions free of charge in appropriate sections.
3. If you at least approximately know the area where the dog could be lost – it is worth looking for her first of all there. Sticking-up of announcements, despite technical progress, still is one of the most effective methods to look for the gone dog. On the announcement, it is desirable, besides the description of a dog to place also her photo of high quality.
4. Also personal contacts with residents of the area of search will be absolutely not superfluous. Children and elderly ladies at entrances carry out the most part of day at good weather in the fresh air and see a lot of things therefore they can give useful information for search.
5. In announcements and calls for help, it is desirable, to offer a reward found the lost dog. If dog thoroughbred. And here to refer to morbidity of an animal, need of operation or difficult character of the pet is not necessary – these methods fail any more.