How to make an enema to a dog

How to make an enema to a dog

Dogs can drag everything that is in the field of their sight in a mouth. Unfortunately, when they give in to this habit during walk, they irresponsibly subject themselves to various intestinal frustration conducting to locks and poisoning. In this case animals need to give an enema. It is necessary to do it as follows:


1. To choose the klizmyesla size a dog decorative, so, very small, as an enema it is worth using small rubber pear. Rubber pear with a capacity of 250-300 will be suitable for the average size of a dog (for example, a poodle). For a klizmirovaniye of large animals (sheep-dog, a Dobermann terrier) it is necessary to use Esmarkh's mug suspended at the height about one meter.

2. To prepare water for a klizmyvoda for an enema it is better to use boiled and by all means cooled up to the temperature of 25-30C. To water temperature in an enema the treating veterinarian can state special wishes. If the enema has cleaning character, it is possible to use broth of flowers of a camomile. It is also possible to dissolve in water baking soda in a proportion: one tablespoon / glass of water.

3. To prepare klizmudlya disinfections rubber pear and its tip it is necessary to boil before the use. It is optional to Esmarkh's circle to boil, it is enough to process a tip the same way. Before introduction of an enema to a dog the tip of pear or Esmarkh's mug is oiled by the vaseline or fat cream which is not causing irritation (for example, to nurseries). Also before statement of an enema it is necessary to let out the air from enema capacity. It is simple: it is necessary to release a small amount of liquid only.

4. To give an enema to a sobakeklizm to dogs put surely in situation "on one side". It is necessary to place an animal in a basin or in a bathtub, to record in situation lying on one side, to raise to a dog a tail and it is careful, without rough efforts, rotary motions to enter a tip into back pass. Contents need to be squeezed out gradually, without doing sharp movements as the dog can be frightened, try to escape and do himself harm. After extraction of an enema from back pass of a dog, it is worth pressing for some time her tail to back pass and to take in such provision of 15-20 minutes. It will interfere with outflow of liquid.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
