If you have a thoroughbred cat, but on her there are no documents, then it could happen for several reasons. Often people take a kitten, and do not care for documents, thinking that all the same animal it is necessary for them as a hobby. Then try to make documents, but it appears very difficult. Happens that documents are lost. In certain cases they can be restored, but not always. There are also documents which are not connected with breed of a cat – the pet passport necessary for transportation of an animal.
1. To make the pet passport very simply – in clinic where do to a cat inoculations and other procedures sometimes it is made out at once, but if it was not made, then it is possible to ask – and the pet passport at your cat will be.
2. Most often people want to make documents on a cat that she could participate in exhibitions. The following documents are for this purpose necessary: the pet passport (in it there has to be a mark term not later, than for the last three months, that the animal has no worms), a family tree of a cat, the reference issued directly by carrying out at the exhibition or at the veterinary station the reference. It for a thoroughbred cat. If the cat not purebred, then she can participate in an exhibition as "house", then the family tree is not required.
3. The main problem is to make a family tree. If it is lost, then restoration is possible only if the cat is registered in club and has experience of participation in exhibitions, also the cat has to be a chipirovana. On a cat who does not consist in club genealogical it is impossible to restore.
4. To issue a family tree on a cat "from scratch", it is necessary that at the birth on it the children's card, differently the called metrics was got. If when the kitten was born, any card it was not got, then it is impossible to issue a family tree because only the club and only on the basis of a metrics can issue documents. Here the club in which the cat mom of your cat was registered means.
5. The breed can make the certificate of conformity. For this purpose it is required that the cat breed chosen for the certificate was open. For execution of the certificate it is necessary to participate in three exhibitions, on each of which different independent experts have to draw the conclusion that the cat conforms to the standard adopted for concrete breed. After that it is possible to find a thoroughbred cat which owners will be not against to get joint posterity. These kittens will already receive an incomplete family tree, and their children – full.