How to make the compressor in an aquarium with own hands

How to make the compressor in an aquarium with own hands

Cultivation of aquarium fishes only at first sight seems simple business. Actually this very troublesome action as silent pets demand a special care. For them it is just necessary to create the special conditions as close as possible to natural. For example, for aeration of water and its hashing the compressor which is the integral element of any aquarium is surely used. It is possible to make it with own hands that allows to save the considerable sum of money.

It is required to you

  • - boards of 20 mm;
  • - screws;
  • - foamy polyurethane;
  • - duralumin;
  • - dural washers;
  • - sheet of rubber;
  • - lathe.


1. The compressor for an aquarium consists of three main parts: a pomp, the mechanism of transfer and the electric motor which power should not be less than 50 W for ensuring normal work of a pomp. To make a pomp, paste uvulas of the valves located in an internal part of the building.

2. For creation of the engine on side surfaces of a flywheel by means of two screws having an axis attach a plate. The axis will serve as the knot of transfer of the movement which is put on an engine shaft. Movement of an axis is carried out at the expense of a plate with two cuts which besides influences the size of eccentric transfer.

3. By means of the lathe make sleeves, a flywheel and all components of a pomp of duralumin. Make dish-shaped washers of dural washers. For this purpose it is possible to use an anvil and the hammer. You can make a diaphragm of the small sheet of rubber which thickness should not exceed 1 mm.

4. For creation of the silent compressor you in addition need a box on acoustic outcomes which use excludes the probability of emergence of vibration and sound transmission from compressor elements to a floor or a table on which there is an aquarium.

5. For production of a box with the help of boards make a cover and a box then fasten them with screws. Lay a bottom of a box foam rubber. Glue a cover with fabric that it as it is possible more densely it was closed. You can make legs of a box of foamy polyurethane. For ventilation creation close a hose and an opening intended for an eyeliner of power supply of the compressor, but it is not really dense.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
