Cage – a necessary element which has to be present at the apartment at keeping a bird. First, it is the guaranteed safety, secondly, a cosiness for the bird. For this reason it is important to accustom a birdie to sit down in a cage.
What to begin with?After you brought a bird home, let's it recover and get used to a surrounding situation. First, it is not necessary to be enough an animal with hands at once and to kick him out cages. Secondly, be ready that the first month to you will need to tame a birdie. Do everything gradually, allowing a bird to get used to your hands: impose a forage, change water. Most likely your hands to undergo fair attack which needs to be endured courageously to show to a bird that it does not make sense to be pecked.
When the bird ceases to attack or hide in a corner, try to feed her from a hand. After that it is possible to start an important stage: to teach a bird to sit down on your finger.
For this purpose you bring a finger to pads of an animal and you hold it so some time, repeating this procedure as often as possible. When the bird understands what from her is required, and will make it, can prepare for the first flight on the apartment.
Flight for a bird is the integral component of healthy life. If a birdie to deprive of physical activity, then its organism will undergo obesity soon.
Favorable conditionsThe result of the first free flight is unpredictable. The bird can begin to rush about on all corners of the room, and can be frightened and at once return to a cage. It is necessary to prepare the room in advance to secure an animal. Close all windows and push curtains that bright light did not confuse a birdie. Remove sharp objects and other pets (if they are) from the room.
FlightPut a bird on a finger and take out a hand from a cage. Most likely an animal, having felt freedom, at once will wave wings and will depart. The first flight lasts long very much not, especially, if you have a chickabiddy. Already literally in one or two minutes it will be necessary to show to a bird her house. First of all food can attract birds. If the animal sees how you pour in a feeding trough of grains, then most likely it immediately will appear about a cage. The muffled light around and bright lighting over a cage will allocate the house from an interior, so, the birdie rather it will find.
Daily "bird's walks" on the apartment have to last at least 15 minutes.
If the bird cannot independently return to a cage, try to drive it from objects on which it sits down. Only be not overzealous not to tire also so frightened birdie. Repeat the procedure daily until the animal gets used to come back to a cage. In a consequence do not leave open a cage when you the house is not, otherwise the bird can be injured.