How to teach a horse to collecting

How to teach a horse to collecting

Collecting is a riding at which the horse is in a condition of the highest concentration at which all her muscles are ready to get into gear. That the horse easily went assembled, it is necessary to train her. It is possible to make it as follows:


1. Collecting is very serious loading therefore begin training with simpler exercises: teach a horse to run freely with the extended neck and the hung head. Such exercise is called still "down-forward". Add an impulse, keeping at the same time balance and a rhythm. Observe how the horse will bring the back and will raise a nape, that is will pass into the state close to collecting.

2. When training in collecting the main thing – not appearance, but internal concentration. You have to make kind of with a horse a whole, and she – it is ideal to respond to your commands. Give several classes on not really big space, run about, be developed, stop, achieve that the horse obeyed you.

3. When the horse remembered several main teams, begin to work on relaxation during a lynx. During the classes you praise for good. If the horse does something incorrectly, tell nothing and do not abuse her. Sooner or later she will understand what you from it try to obtain. If the horse hung the head – praise it.

4. Having taught a horse to be weakened, gradually you pass to collecting. Change accents in treatment of a horse, now you praise her for vigorous movements at which it does not lose a rhythm. Teach her to gather on freedom, and then on a cord.

5. Having given to a horse freedom to move and having achieved the answer to a message, begin to work with an occasion. At first the message has to be a lung. It is necessary to achieve that the animal quietly and exactly held a uniform tension. The rounded neck not means collecting because everyone has own features for all horses.

6. The main opponents of collecting – nervousness of a horse and her unwillingness to go forward. Excessively strengthened trainings, improper iron, too strong tension of an occasion can be the reason for that. Be patient, persistent laborious work will yield results necessary to you.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
