How to treat gingivit at dogs

How to treat gingivit at dogs

Animals Hits: 70

Small and decorative breeds of dog often have such disease as gingivit. Inflammation of gums can lead to diseases of teeth and all oral cavity. Timely prevention and treatment of the gingivit will keep teeth and a mouth at a dog healthy.


1. Gingivit, or inflammation of gums, at dogs can take place in a sharp and chronic form. There is a lot of reasons of development of this disease: a scale, a periodontal disease and periodontosis, wounds of gums because of gnawing of bones or sticks.

2. If the owner daily does not examine a mouth at a dog, he can not notice an initial stage of a disease. Strong indications of the gingivit are: salivation, a swelling on a muzzle, began to smell from a mouth, change of color of teeth. The dog can refuse or reluctantly eat food. At chronic manifestation of a disease at an animal bleed a gum. In hard cases on gums ulcers or suppurations are formed.

3. Treatment of the gingivit consists in transfer of a dog to softer food, exceptions of a diet of bones and rough food which can injure a mouth. After each meal a gum disinfect 0.05% solution of a chlorhexidin. If the animal has diseases of teeth, it is necessary to carry out their treatment. For detection of diseases of a mouth at a dog, it is necessary to address veterinary experts.

4. The scale is the main reason of the gingivit. It is present at many dogs. In good veterinary clinics there is a laser machine for removal of stones in the painless way. Impractical and mobile teeth. are messengers of putrefactive microflora of a mouth. During their removal antibiotics, antifungal and antibacterial medicines are appointed: "Amoxicillin", Baytril, Kobaktan. Doses are appointed by the veterinary expert, depending on the weight of a dog and weight of a disease.

5. At bleeding of gums appoint vitamin C, To, cyanocobalamine, the medicine "Ditsinon". Gums are recommended to be greased with special gels and sprays, such as "Metronidazole", Metrogil, Proposol, Romazulan. It is also possible to apply vegetable broths of a calendula and bark of an oak.

6. Prevention of this disease is house daily survey of an animal. At identification of any deviations or inflammation of a mouth it is necessary to address to veterinary medical institution.

7. The correct feeding is considered pledge of healthy teeth and gums. Daily clarification of teeth of a dog from the remains of food will keep a mouth normal. Sweets as sugar destroys tooth enamel are strictly forbidden a dog. The dental plaque and caries for several years is capable to destroy all teeth at an animal. The modern veterinary medicine can suggest to replace the destroyed teeth with artificial. In this case everything depends on a financial possibility of the owner.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
