If the dog had a so-called false pregnancy or you too early took away puppies from her breast, then because of a milk surplus at your adored girl the mastitis – inflammation of mammary glands can develop. What preventive measures are necessary to avoid this disease? And how to treat a dog in case of development of a disease?
1. To warn mastitis which usually begins to develop in 60 days after the sexual cycle which did not end with fertilization (that is after false pregnancy) grease nipples of a dog of 1 times a day with camphor oil right after the termination of a techka within 3-4 days. Hardly redress nipples.
2. Daily examine oshchenivshuyusya a dog. If puppies are weak to suck away all milk, put them to different nipples that milk did not stand.
3. Both after true, and after false pregnancy in due time process wounds and cracks on nipples.
4. Do to a dog massage with vegetable (better olive) oil and accurately decant milk. If the nipple swells up, carefully rub off it soap solution, and then grease with antiseptic ointment.
5. For all the time of a lactation do not milk to the feeding dog, limit her drink.
6. Regularly show lactating, in case of lack of fertilization, a dog to the veterinarian. If you do not plan to breed further puppies, then, without waiting for the first techka, sterilize it.
7. If the disease was not succeeded to warn, the dog became sluggish, it increased temperature, and from nipples watery allocations or even pus with blood seemed, it is worth taking away immediately it on reception to the veterinarian or to cause it on the house. Shchenkov it is necessary to wean immediately.
8. If the doctor appointed therapeutic treatment (antibiotics, anesthetics, anti-inflammatory and febrifuges), precisely follow all recommendations, do not remove a protective body cloth from a dog.
9. In case of development in a dog of purulent mastitis it is better to treat directly in hospital (at least the first few days) as in the modern apartment it is not always possible to meet all conditions of sterility. If at hospital there is no hospital, then daily call the doctor on the house that he could hold all necessary therapeutic events properly, and, in case of deterioration, quickly correct a course of treatment.
10. In case the disease went too far or in case of lack of positive dynamics during a disease, doctors prepare a dog (and her owners) for operation during which abscesses will be opened, or if the dog is more than 6 years old, the affected mammary glands are removed.