How to treat otitis at a cat

How to treat otitis at a cat

Understand inflammation of an external, middle or internal part of an ear as otitis. How to treat this disease, depends on what part inflamed and in what degree. The veterinarian can define it.

Causes of otitis

Otitis at cats can arise for several reasons. Among which there is a congestion of ear sulfur and its subsequent decomposition; hit in an ear of a foreign matter; growth of wool in an auricle; various injuries of an auricle. Also otitis can be caused by existence of ear pincers (otodektoz).

Types of otitises and symptoms

Most often inflammation of an external ear meets. It ─ external otitis. The general symptoms of otitis at cats ─ reddenings or allocations, began to smell from ears. The animal becomes uneasy, shakes the head, scratches an ear and very aggressively reacts to touch to a sore point. At purulent otitis pus, liquid or blood can be emitted.

At inflammation of a middle ear the pet can feel pain when opening a mouth. In this case he refuses food as he cannot chew food. If at a cat otitis of a middle ear, also other symptoms, such as squint or allocations from eyes are possible. The animal can incline the head towards a sore ear. Internal otitis develops at the started form of inflammation of an external and middle ear. In an inner ear organs of hearing and balances are located. It is a severe form of a disease which treatment quite often comes to an end with surgical intervention. As soon as you noticed the corresponding symptoms at a cat, it is necessary to see a doctor at once. Before it the animal should wash an ear with physiological solution that the doctor could define disease degree.

Than to treat otitis

At an easy form of external inflammation of an ear special drops and ear ointment are usually appointed. At difficult cases ─ antiseptic medicines. Them usually a little: some are intended for fight against the reason, others ─ with inflammation. Liquid from an ear is removed 3% spirit solution of salicylic or boric acid. For treatment of otitises at cats the doctor can appoint a number of medicines: Deksamezaton, "Sofradex", "Propolis", Protargol, "Trypsin", Tsiprinol. For treatment of inflammation of a middle ear antibiotics and medical drops are appointed. To dig drops, it is necessary to remove wool from an auricle. Then to clean with a cotton tampon ear pass from sulfur and allocations. Vatu needs to be moistened in hydrogen peroxide solution, boric acid (2%) or in Furacilin solution. Then to blot the remained moisture with a gauze napkin. If the doctor does not offer, ask it to take scrape from an ear for the analysis. It is necessary to exclude a type of the otitis caused by pincers. Because in this case treatment can be perfect another. Strictly it is not recommended to treat otitis independently! It is necessary to remember that as a result of untimely and wrong treatment of otitis, the cat can remain a deaf for the rest of life. And if inflammation passes to brain covers, then the pet can die.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
