What owner does not dream of the healthy, beautiful and tender pet? The way of formation of an animal is full interesting, and sometimes and ambiguous and difficult tasks and the relations between a cat and the person. Always there are reefs which need to be bypassed with the minimum losses.
Officially it is considered that all cats, as well as dogs, are unpretentious animals and do not demand a special care if, of course, it is not about thoroughbred animals who participate in exhibitions and competitions. In fact any cat demands a certain relation and knowledge of the key moments connected with her leaving and the contents.
Usually one of the main problems of keeping of cats is its schooling to a toilet. Usually the person rubs the nose of a cat in puddles which are out of a toilet. Actually quite so you force the pet to focus all attention on it that forces it to do puddles in the most unpredictable places. To accustom a cat to a toilet, it is necessary to moisten toilet paper in a puddle and to carry paper in a tray, and then to sit down a cat there, and to wipe puddles so that there was no smell left.
The following question – bathing of the pet. The opinion that kitties do not love water because of what they cannot be bathed is widespread. It is fair only partially. It is known that cat can lick themselves, but if she was strongly soiled, it is necessary to wash up after all her most. The most important is to track that water did not get to ears, otherwise there is a risk of development of organs of hearing. After bathing it is necessary to wipe qualitatively a cat and to put her near the heater or heating. However it is worth being careful during the summer period - because of bathing there can be an overheating.
The next moment – communication with the owner. In the world there is no such cat who would not like to luxuriate on hands or the owner's knees. Especially, if she is scratched at the same time. It is a great way to calm a cat. Besides, if to scratch her also a paunch, she will behave quietly, for example, on reception at the veterinarian.
Cats excellent players. They can play absolutely with everything that can get them into a hand: with piece of paper, the fallen objects or small balls. Nevertheless it will be fine to get special toys for kitties and to tame the pet to play with them. It is also possible to make a toy with own hands. It is enough to tie a candy wrapper to a rope.
One more important problem – damage of furniture. Cats use every day furniture for a subpoint of claws. This problem is solved simply – it is necessary to beat a plate a little above a floor, and on a plate to pull dense fabric. It is necessary to teach a cat to sharpen claws about her.