Kaak to choose filler for a cat's tray

Kaak to choose filler for a cat's tray

The right choice of cat litter can solve many problems. The kitten will not have problems with a tray, and in the apartment the unpleasant smell will not appear. On sale there are many options - give preference to that which will suit you and will be pleasant to your pet.

Fillers: what they happen

Once kotovladelets could choose between sand and newspapers. Today opportunities are much wider - producers offer dozens of names. Choosing any given option, consider character of your cat, feature of its wool, age and many other things. An important factor - the price and profitability of any given filler.The most plain and cheap filler - wood granules from the pressed sawdust. Usually they are made from waste of coniferous wood. But also other options of organic granules - for example, made of wheat straw meet. Organic fillers are safe for animals, they will suit pets allergic persons and little kittens. There are also minuses - wood granules quickly razmokat, stick to cat's paws and are carried on all apartment. The big group of the absorbing fillers is produced on the basis of various minerals. The most effective - filler from attapulgite. It is more expensive than other absorbing options and meets on sale infrequently. An alternative to expensive sorbent - more available "fillings" from limestone, sepiolite and other similar materials. They are filled up in a tray and completely changed in several days. Some cats prefer this type of filler. It is possible to refer diseconomy to minuses. Besides after visit of a toilet, cretaceous traces can remain a cat on a floor. Very popular look - komkuyushchiyesya fillers on the basis of bentonite. Moisture, getting on small parts of clay, forms lumps which need to be removed, without changing tray contents entirely. Bentonite fillers have also shortcomings. The cat can sliznut the parts which stuck to wool and process of "komkovaniye" will happen at it in a stomach. Therefore such type of filler will not suit long-haired cats and also the kittens who did not reach one-year-old age. Komkuyushchiyesya it is more difficult to utilize fillers - they cannot be thrown out in the sewerage at all. The latest offers of the market of fillers - silica gel. It is the dried-up gel of polysilicon acid, on structure similar to usual sand. Silica gel resembles glass pieces superficially - transparent and colourless. Sometimes color granules are included. This type of filler perfectly absorbs moisture, and in process the transparent granules gain yellow color. Silica gel needs to be mixed daily, improving its absorbing properties. However some cats to be afraid of rustling which is published by gel granules.

Small cunnings of a cat's tray

Choosing filler, do not buy big packings. Take a little any given look by weight. If the cat approves a novelty, and you estimate hygienic qualities of a product, it will be possible to get a big package. Consider not only type of filler, but also its brand. For example, silica gel can be small or larger, acute-angled or roundish. Consider that the quality of the budgetary fillers often depends on party - it especially often belongs to wood granules. Important not only quality of filler, but also tray type. If your cat with self-forgetfulness digs in waste, buy a tray with the high, bent inside sides. Before a toilet it is possible to lay a rubber rug - on it there will be parts of filler which stuck to pads.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
