The seabed conceals in itself many riddles. A large number of various fishes striking unusual, and sometimes a terrible or unpleasant look lives in sea and ocean depths.
Unusual fish frog
This fish was described rather not so long ago – in the 2009th year. Its full name – psychodelic fish frog. She has the huge head with widely placed eyes directed forward (as at vertebrate animals, but not as at the majority of fishes). Such arrangement of eyes gives to fish a peculiar and unusual appearance. Length of this unusual fish does not exceed 15 cm. Zoologists classified this being as the representative of group of udilshchikoobrazny, having recognized as her "relative" of an angler.
Fish frog too in own way moves. If to watch way of its movement, then it is possible to consider in it the frog principle: fish makes a start from a bottom by means of the chest fins, pushing out water from gills to create reactive draft. Besides fish when moving hesitates from one party in another: the fact is that her tail is bent in one party and makes impossible rectilinear movement. It is curious that fish the frog can just creep on a seabed, touching chest fins as if legs. Lives in Indonesia.
Unusual fish drop
This creation and fish to call language will not turn! It has neither scales, nor well developed fins, however zoologists carry her to a class of fishes. The appearance of this creation can horrify: it something jellylike with a human nose! Density of a body of fish drop is much less than water density, because of it it should wave constantly in water under the influence of waves and a current. The scientists studying a way of life of this unusual fish found out that on a water surface it will not be possible to meet her as she is an inhabitant of underwater depths. By the way, for this reason the nature deprived fish drop of some bodies. For example, it has no swimming bubble as perfectly manages by means of the unusual and jellylike body. Fish drop – peaceful and even benevolent. They are the only representatives of a sort of psikhrolyut who are "hatching out" the posterity: fish sits on berries until whitebaits appear. She preserves the posterity until whitebaits do not begin to live independently. Therefore, despite the unusual appearance, these fishes are very careful beings. Live in Australia.
Unusual saber-toothed fish
It is about the vampires-haratsinakh living in the Amazon River. The unusual appearance to them is given by canines which at adult individuals can reach 16 cm. There is an opinion that haratsina are allocated with the special intuition allowing them to feel, where exactly the victim has unprotected or weak points. Haratsina kill the production, sticking into them canines. For it this species of fishes secretly nicknamed the count Dracula. In length these fishes can reach up to 1.5 meters, and weigh up to 25 kg!