The reasons of emergence of crusts on a nose at cats

The reasons of emergence of crusts on a nose at cats

On a condition of a cat's nose it is possible to judge the state of health of an animal. The healthy cat a nose clean, slightly damp, cool, after a dream can have it dryish and warm. If on a nose of an animal crusts, allocations, wounds are noticeable, it speaks about the beginning of a disease or a trauma. The attentive owner cannot notice violations in health of the favourite.

InjuriesWound can be the reason of emergence of crusts - thin sensitive skin of a cat's nose is easily injured. The cat could scratch a nose during the game, in a fight with tribespeople, at unsuccessful falling from height. Examine an animal - if damages are not visible, perhaps, the cat had a nasal bleeding, and the crust is formed by the dried-up blood. Accurately wipe the favourite's muzzle with damp cotton wool – if crusts easily separate and skin under them is not changed, the cat behaves quietly, breath is not complicated, most likely, the danger already passed, but it is better to show an animal to the veterinarian to exclude injuries of internals.

If the nose of a cat is scratched, the crust does not need to be separated – drying up, it will depart. Do not allow a cat to tear off a crust during washing and if it prevents it to breathe, soften it by means of warm water, a chlorhexidin or vaseline oil, remove and grease the bared skin with wound healing medicine, it is better with antibacterial components in structure.

Infectious diseasesThe allocations from a nose stiffening in the form of crusts can be symptom of various diseases, including a kalitsiviroza, viral rhinotracheitis, a reovirusny infection. Pay attention to behavior of a cat – whether there was he sluggish, suppressed whether the appetite deteriorated at it?

The frequent reason of emergence of crusts on a nose – a kalitsivirusny infection (kalitsiviroz). At the same time sores develop also in a mouth.

If the cat often sneezes, rubs paws a muzzle, snores in a dream, it can say that the animal got sick. Other symptoms of an infection are temperature increase, salivation, cough, green or yellow purulent allocations from eyes. Treatment at infectious diseases at cats is appointed by the doctor. The earlier disease symptoms are found in a cat, the earlier it is necessary to address the veterinarian – many diseases, especially kittens, the old and weakened animals, develop very quickly, in the absence of adequate treatment leading to death.

Skin and other diseasesEmergence of crusts on a nose often accompanies fungal and bacterial damages of skin. At suspicion on a fungus or a bacterial infection it is necessary to show a cat to the doctor that the veterinarian could examine him - to make scrape, to carry out diagnostics by means of an ultra-violet lamp. Other symptoms of skin diseases are cracks on small pillows of paws, ulcerations and raschesa on skin, sites of the splitting, dropping out wool.

It is worth to remember that many skin infections of cats are dangerous also to the person therefore try to exclude contacts of younger family members with a sick cat, follow rules of hygiene.

Sometimes emergence of crusts on a nose at cats can be caused by an allergy: it can be the dried-up allocations at allergic rhinitis or irritation of skin.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
