Friendly and sociable dogs of decorative breeds are very popular, especially with residents of big cities as small doggies do not take a lot of place, do not need in are long daily walks. Besides, among dogs of small breeds there are most of all long-livers. Most of representatives of decorative breeds do not differ in the impressive sizes, but also the real crumbs occur among them.
1. Similar to a fluffy cloud a bichon friezes were removed in France therefore they are called still sometimes the French lap dogs. Playful and sociable, they will become excellent partners both for the child, and for the elderly person. The main complexity in contents a bichon friezes consists in need of thorough care for wool – it is required to make many efforts that white curly wool kept silkiness and density. Growth the bichon frieze does not exceed 30 centimeters, and such doggies of only 5-7 kilograms weigh.
2. Relatives the bichon friezes – malteses (malteza), is even less. They do not grow up higher than 23 centimeters, and the weight of the largest representatives of breed does not exceed 4 kilograms. As all lap dogs, a malteza require special attention to appearance – their long brilliant wool will remain such only on condition of permanent care.
3. Slightly less trouble is brought upon owners by the Bruxelles griffins. These amusing crumbs with prominent eyes and characteristic expression of a muzzle possess rigid wool which does not need to be combed daily. Rather regularly to do trimming, pulling out the died-off hairs special scissors. Growth of the Bruxelles griffins fluctuates from 18 to 25 centimeters, they weigh no more than 4 kilograms.
4. Pekineses are known for origin antiquity. Big-eyed doggies with a silky hair lived in palaces of the Chinese emperors. Despite the small size, Pekineses have difficult character because of what Chinese considered them descendants of lions. Representatives of this breed are stubborn, independent and demand respect for themselves. Growth of these little dogs is 15-23 centimeters, and weight – from 3 to 5 kilograms.
5. One more tiny doggies – the Pomeranian spitz-dogs. These amusing small animals are famous not only beautiful fluffy wool, but also surprising ingenuity. Spitz-dogs easily give in to training, are cheerful and till an old age keep live and easy temper. Growth of the least representatives of breed is only 18 centimeters, larger individuals can grow up also up to 22 centimeters. The Pomeranian spitz-dogs from 1.5 to 3.5 kilograms weigh.
6. The real winners in fight for a rank of the least dog in the world are representatives of breed of a chihuahua. The majority of officially registered records of low-tallness belongs to them. Chihuahuas no more than 3 kilograms weigh, meet and remains is powerful in half a kilogram. Average growth of these kids – 17-20 centimeters. The standard of breed does not regulate growth, but allows dispersion from 15 to 23 centimeters.