Houses purely and quietly, your cat is fed, clean and is going to have a sleep. It is interesting whether dreams dream her? To find out it, it is necessary to observe it attentively.
Many people consider that cats sleep the most part of days. It not absolutely so. More often they are in a condition of a sleepiness. It allows small predators and to have a rest and to react quickly to any incident. If the cat sleeps really, her reactions are slowed very down.
If the cat lies in a relaxed pose and blindly, then it not always means that she sleeps. It is quite simple to learn its state. At a sleepiness at it will shake a few mustache, and ears to move to a step to surrounding sounds. If the sound is sharp and unexpected when instantly opens eyes.There is also other method of check. It is enough to put a hand on the favourite. If he dozes, then you will hear purring or interrogative "Mr-r-r". At the same time the cat can not open eyes even. The sleeping cat in a different way will react to irritants. For a start she will slowly wake up and will stretch. Then or finally will begin to be awake, or, having made sure that there is no danger any, will continue to sleep further. During sound sleep of a cat can accept improbable poses, it is impossible to be curved, scatter paws on the parties. The movement of ears is also possible, but it will not be connected with surrounding sounds in any way. The body of a domestic predator in the period of a dream relaxes, it can mew, shudder, pull paws, and pupils under centuries will move. These factors say that at cats as at people, there comes phase "RHEMES". At approach of phase "RHEMES", features of activity of a brain change. Heartbeat becomes more frequent, pressure and body temperature increases. People during this phase have dreams, and cats, according to researches, in this plan differ in nothing from people. Yes, they are capable to have dreams too. Some cats when they dream something terrible, can jump up, wake up and even to run to look for the shelter. Some mew to someone in a dream, others can move with paws as though they run for someone. Researchers came to a conclusion that cats most often dream hunting, anger, fear. Also they can see how they explore the surrounding area or make toilet, wash. Also there is an opinion that the favourite of the person can see a plot with very juicy implication. The owner needs to pay more often attention to how his pet behaves during sleep. If the cat constantly moves paws, unexpectedly jumps, catches something, then it is necessary to show him to the veterinarian. The similar behavior can be a consequence of an injury of the head or falling from height.