What marine animal the biggest by the sizes

What marine animal the biggest by the sizes

Animals Hits: 64

The biggest marine animal is a whale. Moreover, whales are the biggest animals not only in the seas and oceans, but also in general around the world! Whales are mammals, but not fishes. They breathe not gills, and lungs. That is why whales cannot remain under water all the time – from time to time they nevertheless need to climb to a water surface to take a breath of fresh air. By the way, then over the sea it is possible to observe a big fountain.


1. The biggest among all whales is blue (or blue) the whale. Length of his trunk reaches 33 meters, and weight – about 200 tons. The blue whale is not only biggest animal in the world, but also the most mysterious: zoologists admit that they still plainly do not know of these giants. The complexity in studying life of these animals is that blue whales live in open oceans, and it represents essential inconveniences in study. It is curious that heart of a blue whale weighs about 700 kg, and his language – 4 tons.

2. As it was told above, whales are mammals. In other words, they give birth to live cubs, bringing up them milk. Scientists noted that milk at a whale is 10 times more nutritious, than at a cow. For this reason small the kityat grow pretty fast. They do not suck milk as they have no lips. Kitenok clasps with a mouth a maternal nipple, and that, in turn, injects milk to it into a mouth by means of certain muscles.

3. The biggest marine animals in the world swim, gathering speed to 50 km/h. Besides, they are excellent divers. For example, the cachalot can dive on depths up to 3000 meters. The thick layer of fat saving them from overcooling helps to dive to whales on so radical depths. These animals can not emerge the whole 2 hours on a surface thanks to a special overgrown nostril which keeps air for this time.

4. In a stomach at the biggest in the world of a marine animal about 3 tons of food can be located. A peculiar way of food divides whales into hvatalshchik (zubaty whales) and filtrovalshchik (baleen whales). Falcated ducks, dolphins and cachalots treat the first look. For example, falcated ducks hunt seals and seals, and dolphins eat only fish. Cachalots adore squids: behind them they dive on big depths.

5. The bowhead, smooth and gray whales and also fin whales concern baleen whales. The huge sizes of a trunk and a mouth do these animal externally quite terrible, however it far not so. Baleen whales – some of the most harmless animals in the world! The gullet at them is so small that these beings eat only plankton and small crustaceans. Their "mustache" consist of two rows of horn plates which hang down from the upper jaw. Through them the whale also filters water, filtering plankton and tiny crustaceans.

6. All about 86 types of cetacea of animals live in the world. There live these beings practically in all oceans and the seas of the planet Earth. Quite often whales are called the lords of the seas. The famous researcher of ocean and sea depths Jacques Cousteau and called one of the books about whales: "Mighty lord of the seas". There live the lords of the seas and oceans up to 50 years.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
