What to feed a decorative rabbit with

What to feed a decorative rabbit with

Decorative rabbits are very lovely and amusing pets who in recent years became quite widespread in houses of the Russian fans of animals. It is wrong to believe that their diet is limited only to carrot and cabbage as especially for rabbits various forages are issued. So with what it is possible to feed decorative rabbits?

Basic rules. What to feed rabbits with?Unfortunately, buying this species of pets, it is necessary to consider the fact that genetically decorative rabbits are more located to problems with digestion, than their relatives of meat breeds. They can be provoked by interrelated crossings, hereditary diseases and the fact that animals nevertheless live in not absolutely natural conditions.

If the owner really cares for the pet, he has to understand very accurately what food gives to a rabbit only energy and calories what provides good nutrition and health with necessary vitamins and minerals and what forage needs to be given to young or old animals.

For example, small the krolchat cannot eat "adult" food at once, at first eating mother's milk but only on the fourth week of life consuming the dry feeds especially for young growth including hay, vegetables and greens.

Already at this age krolchat it is necessary to accustom to food twice a day.

It is important to remember also that only the few rabbits eat all food at once. Therefore if the forage is not spoiled, it is possible to leave it if the animal will return to a bowl. Also best of all than everything to get specialized forages ("mixes" of ingredients) in the sealed packings, but not by weight (does not concern some vegetables, greens, grain or compound feeds which ordinary are on sale only in a friable look).

"Rabbit" productsHay – the great view of a forage for rabbits who are, in principle, night animals and is liked "to be pokhrumkat" hay in night-time. Besides it not kaloriyno, big on volume (the rabbit will not eat everything at once). And some manufacturers of decorative girlfriends note also the fact that their pets prefer hay to all other products, ignoring even fresh vegetables. Greens of the krolchat can be digested only for 20-30 day of life, following an example of mother. It is necessary to begin a feeding up with this product gradually, but not at once as in many types of greens there are essential oils to which the stomach gets used quite slowly. Consumption rate is as follows: about 150-180 grams of greens for decorative animals and 200-220 grams for lop-eared versions and so-called rabbits - "lambs". Especially large representatives of this species of animals can bring the volume of consumption also to 500 grams a day. The following types of greens – dandelions, a nettle, plantains, burdocks, fennel, a green salad, meadow herbs and others are suitable for feeding.

What it is impossible to feed decorative rabbits with? You should not include in a diet of these animals at all fresh bread (crackers, on the contrary, can be given), sour types of fruit (for example, apples of certain grades), wheat and cucumbers.

Root crops, vegetables and fruit also approach as food product of decorative rabbits. Rules of their introduction in a diet are similar that they are adopted for greens. Most of all rabbits love carrots, beet, a garden radish, radish, cabbage, spinach, a celery and a girasol.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
