Many people suffer from such delicate disease as hemorrhoids. They say that this disease - punishment for an inactive way of life of the modern person who carries out the most part of time in which he does not sleep sitting. Interestingly, and whether such illness is characteristic of animals?
Sometimes owners of animals suspect such disease as hemorrhoids at the pets. Whether there can be it in general? How to treat manifestations of hemorrhoids at animals?
Whether there are hemorrhoids at animals
Most of all answer to this in general reasonable question occupies owners of cats and dogs. From time to time at some of these animals digestion falls apart therefore the lock can develop, and at defecation – to appear blood. The frightened owners bring the pet to the veterinarian, suspecting at him an initial stage of hemorrhoids. A number of veterinarians confirm the diagnosis and prescribe to an animal the medicines intended for removal of aggravation at hemorrhoids. As far as it is correct?
To this day there is no consensus concerning whether there are at animals hemorrhoids. Some veterinarians completely agree with this statement, and for treatment of animals with such diagnosis they suggest to use medicines from "human" pharmacy. At the same time, certainly, it is necessary to consider that tablets are designed for the average adult, and it is necessary to count their correct dosage, based on that how many your pet weighs.
Actually most of the practicing veterinarians holds the opinion that animals have no hemorrhoids. This disease is characteristic only for orthograde which cats and dogs do not treat. Moreover, even the going on two legs, as well as the person, large monkeys do not get sick with hemorrhoids, they are much more mobile, than modern Goma the sapiens.
What is taken for hemorrhoids at animals
If the diagnosis "hemorrhoids" is made to cats and dogs incorrectly, then what actually these animals suffer from? In most cases inflammation of paraanal glands mistakenly is accepted to hemorrhoids. It causes pain and bleeding during defecation of an animal and also swelling of fabrics around an anal opening; symptoms, in general, the same, as at hemorrhoids. Violation of outflow of a special secret from paraanal glands becomes a cause of illness. Also some owners take loss of a rectum at an animal for hemorrhoids. In case of emergence at your pet of symptoms of such disease, address the veterinarian. The inflammation which is not cured in time is fraught with appearance of abscess and severe pain in an animal, and loss of a rectum can indicate even more serious problems. Anyway the veterinarian has to be engaged in diagnostics and prescription of medicines.