Positive impact and huge joy is given by communication with such pets as kittens and cats. But, getting houses an animal, the person imposes on himself and certain duties of the owner of a cat. To support at yourself an animal is a heavy and serious responsibility for health of the one whom you tamed.
The new family member needs to be shown at once to the veterinarian who examines a kitten, will prompt as it is correct to feed, look after, will create to it the pet passport and will appoint the scheme of vaccination. Inoculations are very necessary for kittens as it is one of preventive ways of fight against microbes, infectious diseases. Even if your kid will not go out of the apartment, the infection can get to his organism from the street from a sole of footwear and remain on a rug.
The most widespread diseases with which kittens can be infected is rage, infectious rhinotracheitis, kaltsiviroz, panleukopenia, deprive, clamidiosis. If not to carry out vaccination, there can be serious consequences or even a lethal outcome.
When to do inoculationsThe first infections inoculation to do to kitten at the age of 2.5 months is necessary, and in 2 weeks to carry out a revaccination by the same medicine, during this period at kittens maternal antibodies vanish. The kid after an inoculation will have a resistant immunity to dangerous infectious diseases. The third vaccination is carried out in a year by the same medicines. Further it is desirable to impart a cat every year at the same time.
From infections the complex vaccines "Nobivak Triket" and "Multifel" are considered as effective, against depriving of cats impart most often the vaccines "Vakderm" and "Polivak-TM".
In 6 months do rage inoculations. Inoculations become only if the animal is absolutely healthy that the expert will help to define. Also it is recommended in 10 days prior to vaccination to hold to an animal a pro-race of fleas, ticks and worms. If the kitten is planned to be let out to walk, then he needs still an inoculation from depriving.
Side effects of inoculationsIt is the best of all to do inoculations in veterinary clinic. Later it is necessary to watch a condition of an animal, the slackness, drowsiness, indifference to toys can be shown. Such state has to pass in 6-8 hours. It is not desirable to vaccinate cats during pregnancy, feeding of kittens, during change of teeth.
Modern vaccines are safe even for little kittens. Vaccine-challenged complications at animals are very rare, but the efficiency of vaccines reaches 98%.
Getting a kitten, it is necessary to understand that it is not a toy, and it is necessary to watch him carefully. Health of cats depends on many factors. First of all, it is necessary to study features of the pet, rational feeding, daily exercise, to consult with the veterinarian, to monitor the calendar of inoculations. Only then the domestic fluffy will be healthy, vigorous and will bring happiness, joy and fun to the house.