Adult cats eat fruit more out of curiosity, than as necessary, and here fluffy handsome needs to eat green vegetables and salad greens.
The domestic cat treats predatory animals. The main food allowance of the fluffy favourite has to consist of meat, fish and fermented milk products. From them animals receive necessary amount of proteins and fats.
Vegetables and fruit contain vitamins and minerals
Correctly balanced food is always the cornerstone of normal health of cats. Except proteins and fats the animals need to eat enough minerals and vitamins.
Their main set contains in all fresh vegetables and fruit and also in greens. For this reason for a cat it is necessary to give so much vegetable food how many she asks from owners. Cats eat green vegetables with pleasure and sometimes regale even on fruit. The clever animal is able to define independently what type of vegetable fertilizing needs and to choose it from the diet offered by owners. To fill a lack of vitamins A and About a small predator can, having eaten a cucumber, a squash or pumpkin. Animals often eat carrots and beet and also tomatoes and even watermelons with melons. There are cats who love raisin and dried apricots, than very much surprise the owners. It is also useful to give to a canine friend a cabbage leaf, fennel and parsley. Animals first of all need iron which is in greens much. To the cats living in apartments it is constant, and walking only on the balcony, it is necessary to grow up a special cat's grass in a pot. Otherwise the animal will eat all flowers in the house. If the pet periodically walks on the street, he will always find the necessary greens.
As it is correct to feed a cat with vegetables and fruit
Veterinarians recommend to give vegetables and fruit to cats in the raw. It will provide a maximum of advantage of their use though fluffy small animals eat with pleasure also vegetable stews. Vegetables need to be cut, and small to crumble greens. The surplus of vegetable food is harmful to animals and if in a chair of a cat pieces of undigested vegetables appeared, it is necessary to exclude a crude forage for a while. Recommend to give vegetables to kittens from 7-8 weeks. To this time their intestines will not be able correctly to digest crude vegetable weight. Vegetables rub on a small grater or are cut on small pieces. It is necessary to lure kittens vegetables carefully, watching their health. If swelling of intestines or a loose stool is noted, it is necessary to pass to a food allowance, habitual for them, for a while. The adult cat will always get that it is necessary for her in food. If your favourite adores cucumbers or crude potatoes, it is not necessary to wait when he pulls together them from a kitchen table, it is better to put delicacy in a cat's bowl in time.