Why cats "trample down" front pads

Why cats "trample down" front pads

The cat getting on knees of the owner and who is carrying out "massage" - the phenomenon familiar to koshkovoda. It is sometimes pleasant, but sometimes it appears absolutely out of place. The reason of such behavior of a cat is known not by all.

Those with whom there lives a cat almost never wear houses expensive clothes. The animal adores getting on knees of the owner and "to trample down", that is to mass pads, at the same time hides claws not always. In such conditions it is not necessary to put on houses clothes which are a pity for tearing.

Instinctive behaviorCat's "trample" begin when the person accepts sitting or lying position. If the cat is in good mood, she immediately jumps on knees and begins "massage". It is pleasant to most of owners. But it is necessary to track an animal because movements through some time become a little more persuasive, and claws begin to stick into a body. Such behavior for a cat instinctively. Regardless of that how many years the cat lived in the world, the pet all the same remains partly a kitten. Unlike homeless relatives she should not care for livelihood, a lodging for the night or something else, she has no efforts therefore full growing is impossible. And the kitten needs mother therefore the cat looks for replacement with it in a human face. The kitten goes to bed only near mother. Also and the adult cat keeps within near the person. And on knees jumps, the owner should sit down only. If it at the same time also begins to be ironed, it will apprehend it as if licking began.

Why movements of cat's paws "trampling down"

"Trample" the cat makes rhythmically just as the kitten touches pads on mother's stomach during sucking of milk. Such movements cause inflow of milk to a nipple. The kitten at the same time also loudly purrs from pleasure and that the milk received when sucking was digested better, it begins intensive office of saliva. The cat can just jump on knees, but without performance of the "trampling-down" movements. It is sign that the pet feels boundless trust to the owner. Rumbling is a peculiar ritual. Therefore the cat is also trampled down on the owner's knees – so she elicits additional caress. If it is constant to drive an animal from knees, it will simply take offense and will cease to approach you. And here all koshkovoda know of vindictiveness of the offended cat – she is capable to begin to spoil anywhere, and it will be quite difficult to disaccustom her to it. Cats take offense because mother in such situations of a kitten from herself did not drive away, and they expect the same from the person. One more reason for which cats can trample down on something soft, for example, on a pillow or a sofa, this desire to settle to sleep. Nevertheless cats on the origin rather wild animals, in the nature they tried to create something like a nest. Now the cat sleeps on a soft rug, and even on a bed of owners, but the instinct of "nesting" remained.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
