Why it is necessary to stop to Dobermann terriers ears

Why it is necessary to stop to Dobermann terriers ears

Animals Hits: 59

Dobermann terrier – one of the most elegant breeds of dog. Long paws, the tightened body, sharp ears and absolutely fearless look – all these lines do not leave indifferent anybody who at least once saw it. For almost all lifetime of breed the stopped tails and ears are considered as distinctive feature of a Dobermann terrier. However recently such procedure causes a huge number of disputes, both in experts, and in manufacturers.

It is a little historyKnocking over of tails and ears among dogs was widespread in Ancient Rome. At that time dog fights enjoyed special popularity. Giving to an animal of additional invulnerability was a main goal of knocking over. Dogs with long ears and tails were wounded more often and lost a duel.

Some regional exhibitions allow to participation of Dobermann terriers with not stopped ears. However at the international level the rule of the main standard prevails.

Doberman – breed which was removed in the 1860th years not so much for fighting duels, how many for ensuring reliable protection to the owner. The German police officer and the tax collector Friedrich Luís Doberman became the creator of the fighter. The public servant constantly had at himself the large sums of money, and dogs were his main hobby. For own safety he decides to create new breed which could provide protection of the owner at the highest level.

Several years Friedrich crossed different breeds of dog. In blood of a Dobermann terrier there are genes of beaucerons, pinschers, Rottweilers, mastiffs and the English greykhaund. From each kind of dogs this breed took the best lines – endurance, aggression, strong character, short wool, long paws and a faultless constitution. Looking at the first results of crossing, Friedrich decided to change new breed and from the very beginning of its existence introduced the rule – obligatory knocking over of ears and a tail.

Standard of breed Dobermann terrierIt is necessary to stop ears to a Dobermann terrier only if you want to participate with the pets in the international exhibitions. The dog with a long tail and trailing ears will not be done not passed further the first stage of competitions, even in the presence of ideal parameters.

Pay attention that not stopped ears of a Dobermann terrier differ in quite big size. Dogs with the stopped auricles are less subject to fractures of cartilages, ear diseases and demand the minimum leaving.

If you do not plan to do of the pet of the champion of breed, then knocking over is not considered an obligatory element. Moreover, in some countries this procedure is officially banned by the legislation. Active opponents of knocking over also animal activists, including it act as mockery at pets.

Features of knocking over of earsPay attention that after knocking over the shape of ears of a Dobermann terrier can differ from your expectations. At each dog the auricles become individually because of their different building. It is quite difficult to deliver ears to a Dobermann terrier. Process is that at first the expert cuts off a part of a cartilage along an ear, and then by means of special glue to the place of a cut the special elastic bandage is applied. Knocking over should be done at early age. After operation the puppy will need much more attention. The fact is that ears at dogs in the course of healing can bring them some discomfort. If the puppy removes a bandage, then the wound will drag on much longer. And the ear after premature removal of a bandage or as a result of the wrong leaving can incorrectly rise. This factor can become decisive at assessment of a dog at an exhibition.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
