Why on the street it is possible to see only adult pigeons

Why on the street it is possible to see only adult pigeons

Animals Hits: 71

Pigeons – very widespread bird species. And they are popular around the world. Life expectancy of these birds about 5 years. Though odomashenny individuals can live also all 15. There are no indifferent people to pigeons: someone likes these beautiful birds, someone considers them by a nursery of diseases, and someone is dissatisfied that they like to sit on crossbeams of railway stations and other open areas and leave behind a dung.

Nests of pigeons are reliably hidden from human eyes. So, for example, they lodge on the closed attics, under bridges or similar constructions and also in technical emptiness of houses.

What is a nest of a pigeon

Pigeon couple annually repairs the nest, increasing it in sizes. If nearby there is other male, and attempts to banish him come to an end unsuccessfully, pigeons should throw the familiar spot.

The pigeon nest is a small small group of branches of straw and other material with small deepening in the center. And these city birds have a clear split of duties in the course of creation of a nest: the male brings materials, the female twists. The nest of pigeons in itself has no accurate outlines and rather carelessly in appearance. At the same time it is used not once. Incubation of eggs of a pigeon lasts for 20 days. The most part of time the female is engaged in it, however sometimes the male substitutes it. Baby birds literally within several hours hatch. After that parents at once throw out a shell from a nest.

As baby birds at first after the birth behave The baby bird is uninteresting to foreign adult pigeons. Therefore if he was left for some reason without parents, he will manage to survive hardly. Parents very much watch closely the baby birds and vigilantly care for them. The baby bird of a pigeon receives the first food approximately in 2-3 hours after the birth, the second time he is fed in 12-16 hours.

Due to such diet only the strongest individuals survive. Weak can just not live up to the following meal.

Baby birds of pigeons are covered with yellow down and have a big beak. Within a month this down changes on feathers. And in 2 months the baby birds can independently fly. Literally in a month after the birth the baby birds reach the sizes of an adult individual and to distinguish them in the lump of birds very difficult. Therefore it turns out that nobody sees pigeon children, - they too quickly grow up. However, if to take a closer look more attentively, it is possible to see young people in the general pack. They can look differently. Their feathers do not shine, as at adults. In the place of a neck they at all a brown shade, but not motley, as at seniors. Besides, young pigeons still not really well-fed. If you found a nest of a pigeon, do not touch it. Adult individuals are very sensitive even to change of a landscape. And if they see that their eggs are found, and someone examined them and picked up, they can depart simply away.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
