Why people love cats

Why people love cats

Animals Hits: 66

The most part of the cats living in city apartments never saw mice. They sharpen claws about sofas and wall-paper, scatter filler, steal meat from a table … And as compensation they only allow the person to love themselves. And sometimes return love. Why people so love cats that go on this unequal, at first sight, exchange?

Cat as tiger symbol

Why did people in general need to cultivate cats? Some ethology consider that our ancient ancestors, taming animals, were guided not only the primary domestic needs (to eat, hunt, move). A cat – the predator, the representative of the dangerous cat family and, having found the "domestic tiger", the person first, could feel the winner of the wild nature.

And secondly (and this is important), habits of cat's are very similar. And, having had an opportunity to observe behavior and reactions of a cat, the person studied habits of her larger relatives capable without effort to kill the person.

According to this theory the domestication of a cat was dictated by a self-preservation instinct, and close acquaintance of the person with this little predator became in the way to protect the life from large and dangerous animals. It is no wonder that the cat received the status of the "sacred animal" capable to save the person from the evil.

Cat as woman's symbol

If the man does not love cats, he will not be able to win the heart of the beauty – one ancient Chinese saying claims. And it not exaggeration. The institute of studying behavior of people in Vienna conducted a research which scientifically confirmed what many guessed: in respect of psychology of the woman and a cat are very similar.

Sensuality, vulnerability, sensitivity, obstinacy, periodic fits of anger, aspiration at any cost to achieve a goal – all this is peculiar to both those, and another. Therefore the cat, the fluffy embodiment of femininity and independence, is so attractive for men. And women see in cats of "sisters" though, according to psychologists, and envy their natural grace and abilities to keep excellent physical shape and to openly express the emotions. In a sense for the woman the cat is her continuation "I".

Cat as symbol of a cosiness and tranquility

The purring cat creates in the house a cosiness – a statement with which it is difficult to argue. Say much that cats are capable to feel a disease of the owner and to treat him, keeping within on a sore point, organizing peculiar sessions of "kototerapiya". And, as the American doctors found out, in certain cases cats render very effective psychological assistance to the owners: in particular, kotovladelets have much more chances to survive after a heart attack.

It is explained by the fact that the cat settling on a lap at the owner or murlychashchy at him on a blanket gives to the person emotional support which in influence is similar to psychotherapy. It is not exclusive property of cats, in medicine there was even such direction as "animoterapiya" (treatment by communication with animals). But at cats the ability "to zamurchat" diseases and other troubles is expressed very much considerably. And it really reduces stress, weakens, allows to feel comfortably. And what else is necessary for a cosiness?

Cat as child's symbol

Huge layer of lovers of cats – lonely women of all age. They sometimes call the pets "daughters" or "sonnies", and transfer to them all the not dissipated love.

Really, life with cats in many respects reminds life with the child: lovely fluffy animals require attention and care, are capricious, rush on the apartment, selflessly indulge in games …

They in something remind children and externally: the round head, big eyes, the shortened muzzle. All this touches and really induces to look after shaggy "cub", to indulge him and to accept in exchange cat's love.

But at the same time care for a cat is quite easy, and this animal rather independently. And, unlike dogs, she does not need to find time constantly, day by day. It does cats by the ideal pet who can be loved in "the background mode", without spending big forces – but receiving in exchange all pluses of the living, lovely and tender being who always waits for you at home. Very convenient object for maternal feelings – or for those cases, when there is no forces and time to build relationship with an opposite sex.

Cat as symbol of love and inconstancy

Everyone has a need to love and be favourite. But cats, apparently, not the best object for love: they rub about legs, trying to obtain attention, expressly ignore the owners. Independent and detached, they show the attachment only when find necessary – unlike dogs who love owners without conditions and restrictions.

Courtesies from a cat are especially valuable: their love it is necessary to deserve, it should try to obtain constantly. And for this reason they are appreciated especially.

But, if you managed to make a cat happy and happy – she will pay back you wholly. First, she obviously shows the arrangement – in different ways, beginning from an easy pokusyvaniye of hands and finishing with blissful relaxation with the half-closed eyes. Secondly, that "special" purr. There is a point of view that it "starts" special biochemical reactions which impact in something is similar to drug in a human body and delivers special pleasure. You made happy a cat – and the cat made happy you. But in such order.

And it is the reason that again and again to seek to give to a cat pleasure.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
