How to play with a kitten

How to play with a kitten

Kittens – small lumps of fluffy energy, and a game are vital them not only for entertainment, but also for physical development, for realization of their hunting instincts (after all cats – predators). But, playing with a kitten, it is necessary to remember that entertainments have to be safe, and at the same time interesting.

How to make a bow of paper for a cat

How to make a bow of paper for a cat

Do not think that games – the frivolous occupation which is taking away time in vain. Games allow to learn the world around, to keep physical shape, to study communication with those who are near. They save from boredom, at last. And not very well who plays – the child or a kitten.

How to support pigeons

How to support pigeons

Pigeon – a bird the most habitual to an eye even of the city dweller far by nature. But at the same time scientists still did not find definite answer to a question: as pigeons are guided in space and unmistakably find a way home. In dovecots and house zoocorners types a pigeon house and turtle-doves dwarfish most often meet. Requirements to conditions of living and food of these beautiful birds in many respects depend on breed and season.

How to disaccustom a rabbit to gnaw wall-paper

How to disaccustom a rabbit to gnaw wall-paper

The rabbits who are contained in house conditions often like to gnaw wall-paper that, of course, is not pleasant to the owner. It is possible to disaccustom the pet to this occupation, interesting to it, if in time to reveal and remove the causes of similar behavior.

How to let out a pigeon

How to let out a pigeon

Competitions among pigeons on the speed of flight or accuracy of delivery of correspondence are held rather regularly. To send there the pet, only one existence of a strong and fast bird insufficiently. It is necessary to teach her to be guided. To prepare a pigeon for independent flights it is necessary to begin early enough.