quite some time now Botox is one of the popular cosmetics intended for face rejuvenation. Sometimes it is even called "beauty inoculation". In the USA, Botox is used somewhat long ago, but this medicine has received wide circulation in Russia and Europe much later. Modern beauties have heard a lot about its magic actions. However Botox has also negative consequences about which it is necessary to know before deciding on this cosmetic procedure.
So, what is Botox? It is the special toxin produced by bacteria. If to accept it in food, it will cause poisoning – botulism. By means of Botox the perspiration of palms, armpits and feet is successfully treated, and in modern cosmetology it is widely used for rejuvenation. This toxin immobilizes mimic face muscles which promote formation of wrinkles. At once it should be noted that negative consequences from injections of Botox meet quite seldom, and, as a rule, they have temporary and slight character. And in most cases these consequences are caused not by effect of the toxin, and in the wrong way of its use and low qualification of the cosmetologist. In places where Botox has been entered, small reddenings can be formed. Sometimes women after the procedure have slight headache. These symptoms usually pass in 2-3 hours, no more. Happens that during introduction of Botox blood vessels because of what the small hematoma is formed are injured. In itself it is not dangerous, but medicine in this place will change the diffusion. Usually it occurs in corners of eyes and area of "goose pads". Cosmetologists note one more consequence of Botox - it is allergic reaction to medicine. It is expressed as small rash and itch in the place of injections. However it happens rather seldom and does not constitute serious danger. In case the cosmetologist has entered toxin incorrectly or at all not elaborately, that is not into those places and not in that quantity, there can be omission of upper eyelid and eyebrows, insignificant violations of physical activity of muscles and change of shapes of lips. These consequences pass over time. If you want to estimate wonderful effect of Botox and to receive as a result excellent result, address only highly qualified and skilled specialists.