Do you want to have beautiful face skin? Choose cranberry

Do you want to have beautiful face skin? Choose cranberry

The cranberry is rich with various vitamins and microelements, bioflavonoids and polysaccharides. Besides culinary application, berries also use for preparation of the nutritious and cleaning face packs, by the efficiency which are not conceding to modern cosmetic procedures in beauty shops.

The cranberry contains a lot of vitamin C and also various organic acids and antioxidants. In the freezer the cranberry can remain up to several months.

If you have the fat or mixed skin, make fresh cranberry juice. Wipe with it the cleaned face skin twice a day – in the morning and in the evening. In several days after application you will notice that your skin has gained dullness, became more gentle, the greasy luster has disappeared.

The cranberry also helps with the solution of such problem as enlarged pores of the person. Prepare the following mask: take protein of egg, shake up it, gradually adding teaspoon of cranberry juice. Put mix on face. In five minutes when the mask begins to dry up and pull together skin, put the second layer, five minutes later – one more. Unmask by means of the cotton tampons soaked with cold tea. You carry out this procedure once a week. At acne rash and other inflammations of skin the cranberry also comes to the rescue. Make fresh juice of cranberry. Clean face, impregnate several layers of wide gauze with the prepared juice and place compress on problem sites for 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure every day, inflammation will not decrease yet, then reduce the frequency of procedures to three times a week. As the means supporting, setting effect the cranberry compresses after elimination of problem can be done one-two times a week. Berries of cranberry are rich with acids which block effect of the enzymes destroying collagen. For this reason compresses from the fresh juice diluted with clear water in the ratio 1:1 will help to return shine and elasticity to tired face skin. Prepare from mask wonderful berry, suitable all-type skin and promoting its improvement. To make the nutritious bleaching mask of cranberry, you need one tablespoon of cranberry, one yolk, pinch of flour and half of teaspoon of lemon juice. Carefully mix all these ingredients, apply the received mask to the cleaned face skin for 15 minutes. Then wash away mask cool water. In preparation also the cleaning mask all-type skin is simple. Take 1 tablespoon of rice or wheat flour, add to it cranberry juice that the consistence of dense sour cream has turned out. Place the received mix on the person for 10 minutes then wash away cool water. The rejuvenating mask with addition of cranberry is very popular among women. For its preparation take one tablespoon of berries and pound them from one Part spoon of liquid honey and in tablespoon of olive oil. Apply mask to face skin for 20 minutes. Wash away it warm, and then cool water in the beginning. This mask after the first application does skin of more elastic.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
