Essential oils against cellulitis

Essential oils against cellulitis

What only ways of fight against cellulitis were thought up by fine half of mankind. However it is more pleasant and safer than nothing and also more usefully essential oils in cosmetology do not exist still. It is necessary to use them intelligently and accurately, but the effect pleases practically right after use. And application process, due to pleasant aromas, gives considerable pleasure.

1. One of the fastest means of disposal of cellulitis is anti-cellulite peeling with essential oils. Means for those who need cardinal and rapid changes in the appearance. The truth this way has one big minus, for those at whom cellulitis is not expressed strongly, it does not approach. It is better for such patients to begin with massage and if at you the cellulitis problem has only begun, then on massage it can end. The most widespread recipe at cosmetologists of anti-cellulite peeling can be prepared also at home. For this purpose mix in one volume of 200 ml of olive oil of cold extraction, 150 g of sea salt without additives, powder of fucus and ten drops of orange oil. All ingredients can be found in drugstore. It is necessary to do such peeling after bathtub or hot shower and is not more often than time in two – three days.

2. Anti-cellulite massage is considered the second in right. It can be done also to those who has no such problem, for prevention and just for improvement of elasticity of skin. Very often, struggling with cellulitis, use almond oil, it perfectly approaches as basis. It is possible to dilute it with several drops of bergamot, grapefruit, juniper, yarrow, marjoram, camomile or fennel. The list can be continued long enough. The main thing that oil was tonic, did not cause in you allergy and you liked its aroma.

3. Creams and lotions can become good help in fight against cellulitis and its prevention. The easiest way to make such, it to buy plain children's cream without fragrances and fragrances and to add to it several drops of oil or their combination.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
