Ginger for beautiful skin

Ginger for beautiful skin

Ginger is good source of vitamins and microelements which are necessary for our skin. At frequent use you will notice that skin has taken healthy form, became more elastic, smooth and shining.

Under eyes

Now many producers of cosmetics add ginger extract in eye cream. It and is not surprising, thanks to its properties puffiness, tired face is removed, ""bags"" under eyes and dark circles disappear. To save the budget prepare means for eyes independently. For this purpose rub piece of ginger on small grater and squeeze out from it juice in the capacity (about 1/2 teaspoons), add 1 dessertspoon of honey and carefully mix to uniform consistence. Apply on eyes and in 5 minutes wash away warm water. Also, you can add ginger juice to the eye cream.

From cellulitis                              

As it has appeared, ginger is the excellent assistant at fight against cellulitis. It increases inflow of blood and oxygen to fabrics, stimulating intracellular exchange. In complex with massage you will achieve amazing results. It is better if you prepare srub. For this purpose mix 2 tablespoons of grated ginger from 2 tablespoons of ground coffee, 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 tsp of lemon juice and 3 drops of essential oil of orange. Use srub in soul, on well steamed out skin of legs, stomach, hands. It is recommended to use not more often than 2 times a week.

From pimples

Ginger well helps problem, oily skin. Heat-spots disappear, and release of skin fat returns to normal. Skin becomes silky and elastic. For this purpose it is necessary to do masks with ginger 2 times a week. Rub piece of ginger on small grater and squeeze out of it juice (1 tsp has to turn out) and make 1 tsp of green tea of 5 tablespoons of boiled water. Let's tea be ready and to cool down slightly. Mix ginger juice with tea, impregnate with it gauze and apply on the person. You hold within 10 minutes, then rinse skin with warm water.

From freckles

Many famous people have begun to use ginger juice when they have learned that it well eliminates skin freckles. Recipe of use very simple. Rub ginger piece on small grater, squeeze out from it juice (1 tsp), mix with 1 tsp of lemon juice, apply on cotton pad and wipe with it face, after usual washing as tonic. It is enough to do such procedure once a day and gradually you will notice how freckles became less noticeable.

Precautionary measures

Before beginning cosmetic procedures with ginger, be convinced that you have on it no allergic reaction. For this purpose apply juice of ginger on inside of hand and wait 10 minutes.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
