Honey massage from cellulitis in house conditions

Honey massage from cellulitis in house conditions

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Care of figure is not seasonal, but year-round work. But before beach season there is a wish to look as it is possible better, to get rid of annoying orange-peel, to bring muscles into tone. Honey massage is capable to help to cope with these tasks.

The most effective way to correct figure is integrated approach – physical activities, dietary food, massage, bath and cosmetic procedures. In spite of the fact that not each woman has excess weight, today all women have cellulitis almost. Anti-cellulite massage with honey will help to reduce obvious manifestations of orange-peel. This procedure is offered by many beauty shops, but for course of massage it is necessary to lay out the considerable sum. If the woman has such resources, then experts cosmetologists will work at her body. Otherwise it is worth stocking up with can of honey and several hours of free time.

This procedure has number of contraindications. Treat them: allergy to beekeeping products, varicosity at any stage, tumor, high temperature, diseases of thyroid gland or bad blood clotting. In the presence of at least one of the called contraindications, it is worth refusing honey massage in favor of other methods of treatment of cellulitis, for example, of wrapping with seaweed or mesotherapies.

Before performing honey massage it is necessary to study the list of contraindications.

Honey massage helps not only from cellulitis. It can be done on area of the face and neck. It is just magic procedure. Except cosmetic effect, relaxation and pleasure, facial massage is capable to influence condition of internals. Honey massage will help to look healthier and younger. Honey massage of area of the face and neck is traditionally done with use of honey of lime and buckwheat grades. These types of honey it is better than others are suitable for the person as contain the mass of vitamins and antioxidants which well influence condition of organism and do not cause allergy. Anti-cellulite massage of all body can be carried out with any honey. On consistence it has to be liquid and viscous, not candied. Recommend to heat the become candied honey not on fire, and on steam bath. For one session of massage there will quite be enough 5 tablespoons of this liquid gold.

Any kind of honey will be suitable for honey massage of problem zones. The main thing, it has to be viscous and not candied.

To derive sensual pleasure from the procedure and to improve effect of honey massage, it is possible to add several drops of essential oil to the prepared honey. Oil from citrus, mint or juniper well will be suitable for massage. These essential oils improve metabolism and promote deeper penetration of useful substances from honey under skin. Anti-cellulite massage with honey is done by 20 – 30 minutes. For a start, the body is slightly warmed and brought into tone easy movements then include in the procedure the main ingredient – honey. Warm liquid honey with essential oil is gradually rubbed in skin, at first it is soft, then is more dynamic. Inflow of blood amplifies and it is possible to nibble and rumple slightly skin more intensively. When honey begins to be condensed, it is necessary to pass to the following movement: to put open palm to skin and to tear off sharply. Such massage can be slightly painful, but it is really very effective and it is useful. Such movements to mass problem zones of minutes 10 - 15. The course of massage consists, as a rule, of 10 procedures which are recommended to be done with break in one day.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
