The majority of recipes of beauty which we use today have got to us from great-grandmothers. At all times women tried to find ways to keep the beauty and appeal. Many secretion extracted in the past is relevant to this day. Try to use them and all will notice your transformation. But do not forget that the main secret of the real woman consists in love for itself. Only having learned to accept itself with all shortcomings, you will become the most delightful woman on the planet.
1. Secrets of home care for volosamidlya giving to hair of beautiful gloss wash them in camomile broth after washing with shampoo. It is useful to replace shampoo with crude egg. To give to hair pleasant aroma, sprinkle hairbrush favourite perfume. This hairbrush carefully comb curls. Now the loved aroma will follow you all day. To get rid of dandruff and to cause growth of hair you will be helped by massage by sea salt. Accurately rub salt in head skin, it will strengthen blood circulation and will accelerate growth of hair.
2. Secrets of home care for telomchtoba to give to hands softness and tenderness, and to nails – force and fortress, regularly oil hands warm vegetable. To do this procedure one night better, for strengthening of effect it is possible to put on glove hands. The weekly heat bath with essential oil of needles, jasmine or jojoba will give forces, will kill headache, will clean pores. But such bathtub is not recommended to be done to women in situation. After each acceptance of bathtub for maintenance of moisture content of skin it is recommended to apply nutritious balm or milk on body.
3. Secrets of home care for litsomsamy easy way to clean face is steam bathtub. You will be need for this purpose hot water, deep bowl, big towel and a little patience. Bend over pan about the ferry for 10-20 minutes, having covered with towel. Then wash warm, and after cool water. Well after such bathtub to make easy peeling. To refresh skin and to make wrinkles less noticeable you will be helped by the cabbage broth rich with different vitamins and microelements. Use this means of times a week.
4. Sincere secrets to krasotysokhranyayta composure, try to be always in good mood. Drive away thoughts of bad, you think positively. You treat people kindly and be sociable. Have more often a rest and try to see off time with close people more.