How independently to make honey massage in house conditions

How independently to make honey massage in house conditions

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advantage of honey as the product eaten is already known long ago. Also the improving effect of massage is not called in question. Great way to connect these two magnificent components for maintaining beauty, youth and health is honey massage.

This procedure is unique on the properties, renders the antitsellyutny, rejuvenating, smoothing effect, promotes strengthening of immunity and improvement of the general condition of organism. And the most important – all this can achieve in house conditions. Let's consider the most productive methods of application of such remarkable method.

Honey massage from cellulitis

The remarkable property of honey is also that it is capable to level orange-peel on problem parts of the body. The feature of its application in this case is the fact that in the presence of vascular reticulum, asterisks and clearly the appearing veins, it is contraindicated. In other cases – only on health. Also for massage in this case it is better to use not become candied liquid medical. Before session it is necessary to clean sites on which massage will be made, ideal option – bath or hot bathtub.

Two options of anti-cellulite honey massage:

  1. Honey is applied on hands and method of otlipaniye and sticking and also pat, kind of driven in into problem sites. Movements have to be sharper, than at facial massage. Originally the procedure can seem painful, formation of bruises, especially on the internal surface of hip is not excluded. Massage duration – about 5-10 minutes.
  2. One more way is to apply honey weight direct on problem sites, to leave for 2-3 minutes, and then the movements described in the first option, to work everything the zones needing it.

If desired it is possible to turn honey massage into wrapping, that is to wrap up parts of the body with film and to leave so for 30-40 minutes. It is better to wash away honey warm water with use of soft sponge.

Honey facial massage

Honey massage for the person does it smooth, velvety, deals practically with all known cosmetic problems – withering, wrinkles, acne rash, normalizes fat content, increases elasticity and many other things. Standard remembrance of massage consists in various circular, vertical and horizontal strokings, pressings. However honey facial massage is made in a different way.

It is necessary to apply slightly warmed up honey to skin in liquid state. If you have firm honey – apply water bath, it will quickly accept the necessary consistence. This unique substance should be distributed evenly on the person and to leave approximately for 5 minutes. After this time you will see that some part of honey was absorbed, and another remained on face. In those places where absorption has not happened, there are some problems, for example microcracks or damages. In general it testifies to metabolic disorder.

The remained honey makes massage. These are easy, not aggressive movements which consist in sticking and otlipaniye of hands from the face. Procedure duration – 5-10 minutes. It is recommended to hold from 10 to 15 sessions every other day for achievement of the highest result.

Honey massage of stomach

Stomach – zone problem for many women. Can depress not only deposits of fat, but also the extensions which have appeared after the delivery or owing to any other reasons and the general flabbiness of skin looks not really attractively. Honey massage will help to get rid of all this.

It is necessary to remember that stomach – the place gentle, is set of internals here therefore massage is carried out carefully. Honey is put with lungs, not pressing movements, then left for several minutes, but no more than 5. Then massage begins actually. In this case various smoothing movements – circular, zigzag, peppered are used. Also do not forget about method of sticking and otlipaniye of palms, but it is necessary to work gently, the same as in case with face skin. There will be 5-7 minutes of massage enough, then honey weight should be washed away.

Except obvious cosmetic effect, you will also notice improvement of condition of organism. Honey massage is the real gift for your beauty and health!

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
