How quickly to tighten skin

How quickly to tighten skin

Skin can become uneven and flabby for several reasons. For example, because of sharp weight loss, owing to age changes, after the delivery and even because of the shortage of vitamins. Quickly it is possible to get rid of this problem only in the surgical way. But such option, of course, suits not everyone. It is possible to tighten skin and independently. For this purpose it is regularly necessary to play sports, to lead the correct life, to do massage and to use tightening and nutritious cream.

It is required to you

  • - tightening cream;
  • - sea salt;
  • - essential oils.


1. Two-three times a week play sports. It is the best of all to visit gym, carrying out exercises on aerobic exercise machines since with their help you will quicker tighten skin. Alternate occupations. For example, one day you give loading to all muscles which are above waist. During the following – you train the muscles which are below waist.

2. If you have no opportunity to visit gyms, play house sports. Create for yourself complex in which there will be exercises directed to pulling up of skin in all problem places. If the skin on stomach has drooped – carry out twisting if on hips – do inclinations with dumbbells, etc.

3. Instead of sport it is possible to take dancing classes, aerobics or yoga. Attend several classes of each sport to understand what of them will be better for you.

4. Eat properly. If you eat pasta with fat sauce and sweet rolls, it will be very difficult to tighten skin. Refuse high-calorific dishes. Low-fat meat (better boiled or steamed), dairy products, fruit, vegetables, greens and nuts has to enter your diet. Eat the products rich with antioxidants, they return to skin tone. Every day drink not less than 2 liters of water or green tea, our organism almost for 70% consists of water. And to keep youth, large number fresh and pure is necessary.

5. For problem sites of skin use tightening cream. The following components have to be their part: Retinolum, caffeine, natural plant extracts and vitamins. Cream needs to be applied twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. And two times a week with them are desirable to do massage or wrappings. Do not forget to change regularly cream since skin very quickly gets used to the same structure and ceases to react to it properly.

6. Weekly visit bath or take bath with sea salt. It will allow to bring hazardous substances out of organism and to bring skin into tone. It is possible to add several drops of any essential oil to bathtub to increase efficiency of this procedure.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
