As history says, blondes were popular in Ancient Egypt. Notable Egyptians applied extinguished lime on head of hear and for hours lay under the scorching sun while their natural black pigment completely was not burned out from hair. With the advent of hydrogen peroxide this procedure became simpler and much safer. In the XX century the society has literally endured boom on blondes. But in the XXI century more often women want to be recoloured from the blonde in the brunette.
- To receive desirable shade and not to injure hair, it is worth going to salon and to be given in charge of the professional. It is not recommended to make independent experiments with doubtful dyes. Though hair not teeth, and all the same will grow, as a last resort, will cut the hair, you should not subject them to damage which will lead to loss.
- Before being recoloured in the brunette after decolorization, it is necessary to understand that will occur in the course of coloring. Repeatedly clarified curls become dry, fragile and dim. It is known by each artificial blonde. Aggressive components of paints open scales of hair and literally "eat away" natural pigment. At repeated decolorization of scale are not closed, and hair become porous. On the one hand, absorption of dark pigment will happen quicker and more intensively. With another – the injured curls also quickly "will release" color, and it will be washed up already about 3-4 times. So it is not so simple to return dark hair color.
- It is simpler to the fair-haired, never painted girls to be recoloured from the blonde in the brunette. However it is worth remembering that though from the first to block light shade dark simply, it is necessary to do after all it gradually. Otherwise black pigment, being washed away, will turn into blue or greenish.
- To be recoloured in the brunette after decolorization, it is necessary to treat hair for a start. Here natural vegetable and essential oils, fermented milk products, yeast, honey, grass rinsings, clay, yolks of eggs will help. Having decided to change cardinally image, it is necessary not to paint at least half a year head of hear, in passing applying intensive home care. That the difference with roots was not so striking, it is possible to use coloring balms, since light shades of chestnut and finishing with dark chocolate.
- Those who wants to return dark hair color should consider that it is impossible to create sharp contrast with color of skin and head of hear. It is better for natural blondes to stop the choice on shade Mocha, "frosty chestnut", "intensive brown". It is quite good if at pigment there is easy ryzhinka. However, it at will.
- After course of the restoring therapy, address the master that he has carried out coloring. Salons use professional medicines with fixers of color. The brands "Londa Professional", "L'Oreal Casting", "Garnier", "Wella", etc. are most popular.